Saturday, September 3, 2022

The nazi pigs with the weaponry are back on their bullshit about getting married or having to be in a relationship to survive.

If that is the case then the country deserves to die.

Anyone trying to force me into a relationship is someone that I want dead. Going all the way back to the piece of shit Travelers Club and that useless LGBT community that wouldn't stop pushing sex. 

I fucking hate the LGBT community now and do not care if you all get exterminated. Your gossiping bullshit got my life destroyed. You are as bad if not worse than the inbred right wing garbage.

This whole area is nothing but sleazy, slimy, lowlife shit.

Now you trapped me in a job where I can't even save up enough money to get out of this piece of shit state. 

A bunch of useless idiots with their own businesses playing cut throat with everyone. 

Big business is run by greedy garbage. 

The useless asshole politicians have allowed a few people to buy out everyone else. This is fucking Russia with oligarchs. 

I do not want my on business, I never have. I hate capitalism. 

I was doing just fine for myself when you assholes here had to destroy my life because I didn't want to have sex with your whores.

Death to you and your whores. 

By definition if part of your job for pay is having sex with co-workers, you are a whore. 

Anyone forcing that kind of 'culture' in the workplace is guilty of human trafficking and should be in prison. Got that William and Jennifer. You should both be in prison or dead would even be better.

Mid-Michigan is a horrible place.

Those running things behind the curtain here all need to die. 

Because the pieces of shit hooked this weaponry to me I will most likely never have sex again. I had plenty of sex before I moved to this cesspool of humanity called the Lansing area. 

It wasn't me, it was you disgusting garbage here.  

Now it is just pointless as the assholes with the weaponry will just ruin it to get their jollies. 

Expose the weaponry and exterminate everyone behind it. Everywhere. No exceptions.








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