Saturday, September 3, 2022

One of the first psychological warfare plans that they tried on me was their ignorant devil bullshit.

Because snide little bitches spread it around that I was religious and that is why I wasn't having sex with them. 

Couldn't possibly be anything wrong with them now could it? Their parents are garbage as well.

Why because one idiot 17 year old pierced and tattooed  asked me a question about the crossword puzzle that she and a friend were doing? Dumb ass little cunt named Nikki at the Traveler's Club. 

She knew that I did crossword puzzles as I brought them to work with me sometimes. 

Why would I think it was some kind of code? Why couldn't the stupid cunt just ask me if she wanted to know something about me? 

Mid Michigan sucks shit.

She wanted a word that means a reason to not have sex. She said already tried one word and it didn't fit. I said try celibate. She said yeah I didn't think of that and left the kitchen. I didn't think anything of it. 

Apparently, now the whole town thought that I had taken some sort of vow of celibacy.  

You people here don't even rate being called people. 

I was not celibate. I simply have a no fraternization with co-workers policy.

Die all of you sorry ass pieces of garbage.

Just the start of the worthless garbage piece of shit LGBT community here spreading rumors about me.

So you punk ass moron drug dealing turds from Dayton, it wasn't me spreading shit all over town. 

But since you accused me of doing it and took part in the destruction of my life I want you dead right alongside the garbage here.

You could have easily checked and found out that I was, in Dayton as well, the guy that stood at the pinball machine and didn't much talk to anyone. I was all over town because I was a route driver idiots. 

Not my fault that the gossiping cunts here would rather spread rumors than talk to me. "Who is that guy?".

Don't hate on me because I am beautiful, bitches.

Don't hate on me because my IQ is higher, bitches.

Don't hate on me because my dick is bigger, bitches.

Either say what is on your mind or shut up and fuck off.

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