Sunday, September 11, 2022

The world would be a better place without 1099.

Also, all automobile companies and services need to be nationalized. The automotive industry is making a killing because of the 1099 delivery bullshit.

Gas prices are ridiculous, but they will not go down as long as there is such a demand because of the delivery industry. I end up spending 40 to 50 dollars a day on gas.

I can not make any money without spending 10 to 12 hours a day doing this shit and then over half of it goes back into the job with gas, maintenance and other things like groceries for lunch. It just cost over a thousand dollars to get brakes and the front differential fluid changed.

The sack of shit manufacturers make the brake rotors so thin now that you can't just replace the brake pads you have to replace the rotor as well. It is scamming ass bullshit.

They put tons of computer bullshit in the cars that are just something else to be replaced. Screw the computer nerds.

40 years ago my mother's Chevelle with a 307 got the same gas mileage as my 2021 Mazda CX-30 with a 4 cylinder does.

I had a 1986 Yugo that got 40 miles to the gallon. It would only go about 90 MPH, but it was great in the city.

Fuck all the computer bullshit and take your cell phone linking and shove it up your asses. Just more ways for Big Brother to track you.

Give me a solid work car. The AWD and body size of my Mazda without all the other bullshit. Anti-lock brakes and I am not a feeble turd I can roll down my own windows. A good stereo that is actually a stereo with buttons and dials. I leave it off most of the time anyways because the radio stations here are garbage.

Dependable, no stupid shit and will last for 300,000 miles.

I fucking hate the sorry ass shit known as capitalism. 

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