Friday, September 23, 2022

My mother just died on the operating table.

My hatred for everyone involved in what is being done to me just reached its maximum level.

I want all of you dead and I am going to double down on my efforts to destroy all your families.

Die scum die.

Death to the Lansing, Michigan area and to the drug sealing scum from East 5th street Dayton, Ohio

If you assholes wouldn't have done this shit to me and attacked my mother as well she might still be alive.

Fuck you Al Cooper you fucking cunt, worthless piece of shit.

Never trust drug dealers when they say they will be there for you. They will sell you out in a heartbeat. Right Brian bitch.

Death to cocaine and everyone associated with it.

Death to the sorry ass defense contracting computer nerds here in Lansing and all their friends.

Time to wipe this shit hole out.

Fuck you gossiping ass useless moron LGBT crowd of garbage.

Death to the runt and cunt show.

May all of you pieces of shit from the bars by Lake Lansing die horrible painful deaths.

You pieces of shit destroyed my life forever. I live for revenge now.

Fuck the mass media assholes. Television and radio need to be wiped out permanently and forever.

Screw the fucking entertainment industry.

End the tax write off for advertising or you are nothing but a sell out piece of shit that deserves to die.

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