Saturday, September 24, 2022

Now that my mother's suffering is over the lowlife scum with the weaponry will most likely try and do the same thing to me.

My mother's health problems with her heart started after I was initially attacked and moved in with her.

My sister blames my good cooking for the first heart attack, but The heart attack gun has been around for awhile. It is a radiation beam aimed at someone's heart. they have used it on me when I was just falling asleep and it hurts very much.

It feels like someone is burning a hole through your body. The pain stopped when I jumped out of bed and out of the way of the beam.

My mother did nothing in her life to warrant the bullshit way that she had to live after her heart attacks started. She got 'downsized' at work from an asshole company called Aegon. She had another heart attack and got put on disability and we moved back to the Lansing area from Mishawaka, Indiana.

She was scared and wanted to be around my sister and her kids and grandkids if she was going to die. I was forced to move with her or be homeless. I did not want to come back to this shit hole.

My mother did without a lot of things while I was not working to stay away from the harassment here. I donated plasma to buy my cigarettes and pay for my computer and Internet.

She got a lap band surgery done to lose weight to help her heart problems, but some asshole fucked it up and she had to have it fixed two or three times. The last 15 years of her life she lived with a hernia because of the botched surgery.

Her health continues to deteriorate because she basically sat in chair and read books all day. The lack of physical exercise just made the heart and circulation problems worse.

She had a fourth heart attack and they put in a pacemaker. She had to have that redone and put on the other side of her chest.

She hadn't been in the hospital for a few years other than to see her doctors when she had this last heart attack.

She deserved a lot better life than that. She held on for 8 1/2 years of the 10 that her pacemaker was good for until her body just couldn't function anymore. Her mind still worked and she still read books and played Jeopardy with me until the might before she died.

She wasn't a "saint" but she was a good person.

I will make sure that a part of what I do to the attackers is for her.

There will not be a funeral as she stated that she didn't want everyone standing around crying. She wanted to donate her body to science, but she didn't register so her second choice was cremation and we may have to go with that.

Make a donation to an animal charity or the local food bank for her.

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