Thursday, September 15, 2022

Yesterday I posted about how I specifically told the assholes at Grubhub that I did not want to work in a certain area or areas.

Today I had 1 block, from 3:30pm to 5:30 pm. The very first offer that I get goes from Meridian Mall to near Cavanaugh and Cedar. $10

From there they sent me to Popeye's at Willoughby and Cedar to be delivered by Aurelius and Kalamazoo. 7 or 8 dollars

Then I turned down a ridiculous offer from Eatside Fish market for $3 and some change. I should not be getting this offer on a block.

Then the next offer went from Frandor to Mt. Hope and Aurelius. less than $5, but the people tipped cash. The point being that on a block as a premier I should not even be getting the under $5 offers according to Grubhub's own words.

From there the next offer was to Crack chicken on MLK to be delivered to Jolly and Cedar area. Small offer money wise.

While waiting at Crack Chicken they send me another offer for Subway at Jolly and Cedar. The delivery was going to the Hamilton and Dobie road area. WTF?????? There are at least 2 Subways that are closer to the customer.

Grubhub fucking sucks now. WTF happened? I used to be getting almost every off over $10 when on a block. Who is getting them now, because I want to kick some ass.

I used to run orders almost all day out of the city and into the surrounding area. Now I get none at all.

I am seriously pissed off about this bullshit and want someone's or more than one person's head on a fucking pike.

Still wonder why I hate this fucking shit hole? Every single fucking time I get any job going good some piece of shit or group of pieces of shit fucks it up. I want them all dead.

The people here are just as much a bunch of sell out conniving weasel dick assholes as the drug dealing punks on East 5th street in Dayton.

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