Monday, September 26, 2022

I am a good worker. I just do not like being fucked with on or off of the job.
I need a job with a steady income. I have to pay all of the bills now.
I will never get over my mother's death and will always tear up a little bit when I think of her.
Tomorrow I finally have a day off and will have to spend it taking care of getting things switched to my name and cancelling her future appointments, mostly doctor.
I will be most likely in tears as I call and notify her friends and some relatives.
The nazi griefers with the weaponry will be getting lots of jollies.
It figures that the last t-shirt that I got for her because she said she wanted it got her the day that she died.
It said "I am pretty certain that my last words will be "Well shit that didn't work"".
What little bit is left of me inside is for my cats.
Just let me do my job so I can keep a roof over their heads.
That should give you all another rumor to spread about me.


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