Monday, September 26, 2022

 I just tried to work the t.v. in the living room that my mother watched all day.

The remote has buttons that do not work and you have to scroll through the bottom channel preview to get it to change channels.

She never told me. She knew that I would get a different remote for her.

Now that she is gone I am finding things that are not done or broken and that she never told me about because she knew how many hours that I worked.

I fucking hate this asshole of a town. You mother fucking pieces of shit do everything to me that you know I do not want.

When I told you that I do not play your stupid ass childish opposite games I meant it.

When I find out who is behind this shit I am going to fuck their world up anyway that I can.

Everyone like you assholes everywhere they are deserves to die.

What the fuck did I supposedly do?

Have a no fraternization policy at work? That is for me, I do not give a fuck about your personal life.

Death to all of you busy body cunts that keep trying to hook me up or just play games about it.

Worry about your own life and stay the fuck out of mine.

I literally hate the pieces of shit from Traveler's Club.


You little punks in Dayton need to die for your part in this shit.

Let me guess, money, money, money? Fuck you pieces of shit and that garbage.

How was I affecting anyone's money?

I did my job and I spent my money from my paycheck.

This fucking shit hole spread the rumors and lies about me.

I am not getting married. Marriage should be completely wiped out as far as I am concerned. Giving someone a tax break for being married is discrimination against those that want to remain single.

Why the fuck didn't anyone even ask me what the fuck was going on?

Death to the mass media. End the tax write off for advertising.

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