Saturday, September 3, 2022

The whole 1099 industry is a fucking scam.

Most of what you make goes right back into the vehicles. Gas, maintenance, insurance and repairs.

You have no unemployment or worker's comp if you get hurt.

The only people making money are the app companies and the restaurants.

Even the customers are getting screwed through higher prices.  

Driving as a profession in general in this country sucks now. 

I fucking hate this shit hole. City, area, state and country.

I won't even be able to afford to keep this falling apart trailer when my mother dies. If I have to get rid of my cats I swear on my grandmother's grave that I will kill as many of you pieces of shit as possible before the cops kill me.

This mother fucking piece of shit area destroyed my life. I hate everyone involved and everything that they are a part of.

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