Friday, August 26, 2022

The pieces of shit with the weaponry have made it so that I can not work in close proximity of others because I will not bite my tongue when they keep attacking me. 

I do not have retirement or a pension. this fucking piece of shit state and the nazi pigs with the weaponry fucked me out of over 15 years of income trying to stay away from the assholes here harassing me. I truly and forever hate you fucking garbage assholes.

Are the other drivers getting attacked with the weaponry?

Then fuck them they can take the part time or full time jobs available. There are lots of them.

I was working the the other jobs but the fucking assholes can't leave me the fuck alone or try to fucking run me into the ground when I have type 2 diabetes. 

Then they wonder why I hate them. I hate you because you are stupid, asshole, pieces of fucking shit.

The world would be a better place without everyone associated with this weaponry.

I have no money. You assholes keep fucking me out of making a living. I want you ALL dead.

I never got any money, anyone saying different is lying to fuck me over or to get the idiots to fuck me over.

So the assholes put in my head "Get over it". That is the kind of little psychobabble cunts that they are.

How can someone get over something that is still ongoing? 

Fuck you you ignorant lowlife psychobabble pieces of fucking shit.

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