Thursday, September 1, 2022

So I get to my usual starting point this morning and Doordash sends me 3 offers that I refuse right off the bat. Near the intersection of Okemos and Jolly roads. Which is now pointless because of all the piece of shit asshole drivers that moved into that area and that I want dead for doing it.

They tries to send me to Panera Bread in the construction zone at Okemos and Grand River rds. The delivery was going some in the construction zone as well. Fuck that.

Then they tried to send me to Chik-fil-A also in that construction zone for a delivery going into the MSU campus area. What do I have to do for them to get it through their heads? I write Fuck MSU, no msu, I don't want to go to that area, etc.

Next the morons try to send me to the McDonald's in that construction zone for a delivery going back south of the bridge that is closed for southbound traffic. There is a fucking McDonald's right there at Okemos and Jolly which is where I was. No need to even go into the construction zone or around the detours to get back. 

Artificial Idiocy.

Then when I go over to Dunkin Donuts at Okemos and Jolly to take a pee and which is the center of a hot spot on Grubhub the assholes at Grubhub send me all the way to the MLK/Eaton Rapids road McDonald's for a pick up and delivery in that area. 

I really want to bash the fucking skulls of the pin dick assholes that run these app companies in. They fucking deserve it.

I have the screenshot of where I was and where they sent me. I used to be at that intersection pretty much by myself and got the deliveries going very well. The vendors know if they see my name then I will be there as quick as I can. Then the fucking pin dick nerd assholes at the delivery companies decided to move their ass kissers in and now even the number of deliveries there is down because their ass kissers are shit drivers. 

They also let a bunch of thieving assholes start driving and I hear about it all the time from the merchants. 

This job is horrible because of the assholes that run the companies, both delivery apps and restaurant apps that route the shit.

Here is the Grubhub screenshot:

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

I go to work and then I go home. 

I used to go to a bar after work if I found one close to where I lived and it had something to do like pinball, trivia, video game, etc. Basically a game room for adults.

The assholes with the weaponry keep pulling their "You won't get out there" bullshit when they are part of the problem that made me not want to get out there in the first place. The people in the bars here are the other part.

The nazi pigs with the weaponry and their cohorts in this fucking shit hole area keep trying to make me work my life away. They will even use things about keeping me away from the computer.

I work year round not some seasonal bullshit.

Fuck off.

I can't even grow my garden any more because of the slime here and their bullshit. I have to basically give up 5 days of my life just to make money to get out of here and I still am getting nowhere.

I hate this fucking area, state and country.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Friday, August 26, 2022

Here is one more example of the idiocy involved in this job. 

I am near the intersection of Okemos and Jolly roads. Doordash gives me an offer to pick up an order at the Taco Bell on Grand River road in Okemos. It gets delivered to an apartment complex at the corner of Mt.Hope and Hagadorn roads. 

The Taco Bell on Grand River is in a fucked up construction zone and there is no good way to get back to Mt. Hope.

Sounds bad right?

There is a Taco Bell on Jolly road very close to Okemos road. It would have taken less time to deliver the order from that Taco Bell than it took to get to the other Taco Bell. 

Sounds pretty fucking stupid right?

AI is not intelligent.

The pieces of shit with the weaponry have made it so that I can not work in close proximity of others because I will not bite my tongue when they keep attacking me. 

I do not have retirement or a pension. this fucking piece of shit state and the nazi pigs with the weaponry fucked me out of over 15 years of income trying to stay away from the assholes here harassing me. I truly and forever hate you fucking garbage assholes.

Are the other drivers getting attacked with the weaponry?

Then fuck them they can take the part time or full time jobs available. There are lots of them.

I was working the the other jobs but the fucking assholes can't leave me the fuck alone or try to fucking run me into the ground when I have type 2 diabetes. 

Then they wonder why I hate them. I hate you because you are stupid, asshole, pieces of fucking shit.

The world would be a better place without everyone associated with this weaponry.

I have no money. You assholes keep fucking me out of making a living. I want you ALL dead.

I never got any money, anyone saying different is lying to fuck me over or to get the idiots to fuck me over.

So the assholes put in my head "Get over it". That is the kind of little psychobabble cunts that they are.

How can someone get over something that is still ongoing? 

Fuck you you ignorant lowlife psychobabble pieces of fucking shit.

So the other drivers have effectively taken all the morning orders on Grubhub from the intersection that I work out of. I drive straight there every morning that I work and this morning it was a dark red hot spot supposedly meaning lots of orders. I logged in and got nothing for the 20 minutes that I sat there before Doordash gave me an offer.

I fucking hate the other drivers. I worked that area well for months and now they take everything and Grubhub lets them.

Today completely sucked. If Spartans come out there and take orders I am going to buy a baseball bat and hurt someone. You fucking little punks go work in the restaurants and stay out of the driving. Today I heard about 2 different times that drivers have stolen orders recently from two different restaurants.

Screw you thieving ass bastards whether Spartans or not.

I try to show the people in the restaurant how to make sure that the drivers confirm that they picked up the order so there is no way that they can get the order then unassign the delivery and say that they never got it.

You need your asses kicked majorly and so so the pieces of shit that coddle you. Ever notice how those most opposed to violence are generally those that need an ass kicking for pulling bullshit?

They kept sending me deeper into Lansing when my block started at 4:30 p.m. I toggled it off and on so that I could get all the way back to where I want to work out of.

Imagine my surprise when there was another driver parked exactly where I park when I got back there.

EGC 2056 was his license plate. 

The are was completely devoid of hot spot coloring so why was he waiting there?

How would he know that that is what I do and just wait for anything in that area?

Grubhub's AI would have to know that is what I do so why let others do it unless they want a conflict?

Trying to fuck with me and then claim some bullshit to deactivate me like the cock-sucking asshole at Uber did?

After about 3 or 4 minutes GRubhub gives me these 2 offers together:

The blue dot is me. 

The closest pick up is at Sree Saffron which isn't that bad. The second pick up is at Panda Express in downtown East Lansing. The same downtown East Lansing that I specifically told Grubhub they could stick up their ass and die with it. The same downtown East Lansing that is now 50,000+ times worse.

I do not give a rat's ass about the so-called scenery. I am at work.

Because of the harassment and destruction of my life by this shit hole area, I would rather be dead than have sex here. Fuck you pieces of shit and your crap. There are things way more important than sex. 

If you think that sex is the most important thing in life then you are insane. It is not O.K. to be crazy.

Well, I had a block removed by Grubhub this morning. They sent me into the shit hole called downtwon East Lansing on the first move in day for MSU and I turned the availability off.


I will go out later to try and make a little bit of money today, but I seriously think I am just going to go to the other side of town.

I hate that fucking school.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

For the assholes that think that claiming your food or other package was never delivered when it was, it is not a harmless thing.

You cause restaurants to raise their high prices even higher.

You cause delivery companies to reduce their low pay even lower.

You make it look like someone that does their job isn't doing their job and could potentially get them fired.

You are nothing but thieving/scamming pieces of shit that should be in jail.

 I am about ready to beat people to death.

Some lying ass scumbag named Jessie F in room 608 at the Hyatt Place Lansing East ordered from Panera Bread and I delivered it to the door of their room.

20 minutes later I got an email from Grubhub saying that the order had been cancelled. I called Grubhub because I fucking hate that scamming ass bullshit and they said that the person claimed that they could not find the order. 

Bullshit. It was right in front of their door and I knocked on the door before leaving because it asked for a contactless delivery. 

If this shit starts again because those asshole Spartans are back, then all MSU students and faculty need to be banned from deliveries. Fuck the scamming ass little turds. They need to be prosecuted for petty theft and fined with jail time and expelled. 

Anyway, while I was trying to work the app to call customer service some idiot came right up next to me and started asking me what app I was using while trying to look over my shoulder. He was almost touching me. He was not wearing a mask and was working for DoorDash at the time.

I told him to get away from me and moved back from the counter area to call customer service. 

After I told customer service all the details of the delivery so they could investigate it I moved to the middle of the counter to see if the bags the worker had placed on the counter were mine.

When I did the other driver started going off on me telling me to get out of his face when I was 3 or 4 feet away from him and then started calling me a piece of shit.

Being already pissed off I asked him if he would like me to knock him out, calling him an old man while I did it. 

I am 57 years old and he was probably pretty close to my age. He had a white almost bowl cut hairstyle and a huge gut. 

When I pulled in and started getting out of my car the moron came barreling in to the next parking space and almost hit my open car door. His car is a silver or gray sedan with a passenger side mirror that is busted. 

He kept talking shit as I followed him to the door. I went out the first set of doors and said "Let me guess you are one of those tinkerbell faggots".

Keep fucking with me assholes you have already made an enemy with the gossiping that got my life destroyed and all the torture bullshit. 

I am not gay. I never will be gay or bisexual. I will not take any shit from you dickheads either.

As for the bullshit radio DJs and their garbage of "They think you are John" followed by "John is gay", bullshit. I hope gay John dies very painfully for not pointing out that I am not him.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Just checked my blood sugar. It was 108.

I checked because my eyes are acting weird and the pin dicks with the weaponry keep putting "Sugar, sugar, sugar" in my head trying to make me believe that my blood sugar is causing my eye problems instead of their attacks and torture and the stress they cause.

Everyone at their end of the weaponry deserves to die.

Their friends and families should be executed with them.

Their business associates legal or illegal should also perish.

For you little pussy CEOs, no one wants to work for your companies because you do not stop the bullshit on the local levels.

You push the ignorant chain of command and have the psychobabble HR departments sending things back to the local level to the very same people that the complaint was about.

Apparently your psyches can't handle thinking that your company isn't perfect.

The local people then just harass or get rid of the person that filed the complaint instead of fixing the problem because SHOCKER: THEY ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM.

Allowing cabals to run the local workplaces just makes them suck even more.

Guess where the buck stops.

Reporting things to Federal agencies about what goes on in Michigan won't do any good if the Feds just send it back to their people in Michigan.

Michigan is like a giant HR state where all the garbage just covers up for the other garbage.

No matter who you report everyone will just act like they don't know what you are talking about to protect the slimy shit hole that this state is.

Michigan is a horrible place to live. 

 This country sucks.

People start out with a good cause and they win the fight against injustice.

Then they go past equality and into special privileges. 

That is when they become just as bad if not worse than those they were fighting against in the first place.

 They are trying to make me blind. 

If they make me blind then I can't read the articles and debunk them. 

I can't post about the bullshit called religion. 

They get to protect their sorry ass crapitalism and religious bullshit.

They get to keep pushing their pseudoscience horseshit.

This country is a garbage run shit hole and I am not talking about the bought and paid for politicians. 

Fuck the mass media.

Death to AI.

End the advertising tax write off.

Stop the national security cover up blanket.

Abolish the brainwashing religions, which is all of them.

Put an end to the tranny bullshit.

Think, think, think, think, think.

Stop building crap purposefully that falls apart just so people will have to buy more.

Kill the illegal drug trade that gets people addicted.

Make cell phones phones only, no Internet. 

Set up a detection grid so that if anyone broadcasts frequencies that could affect the brains of animals including humans they get exposed and executed.

In short: Death to god, guns and gold. Think.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Very many times When I say get this shit off of my head or get me out of this weaponry the pin dick nazi pieces of garbage put back into my head "Then they will kill you" or "You'll be dead" or some such bullshit.

The assholes with the weaponry are trying to kill me slowly. They try to get people to go off and do something so the cops will kill them. 

Anything to cover up for the defense cunts that do it.  

Everyone and I mean everyone that covers up for the weaponry and the pieces of shit using it deserves to be executed. 

The Lansing, Michigan area sucks shit.

Monday, August 22, 2022

 I had to take my car in for maintenance and brakes this morning. It was not an unpleasant experience. The staff at Crippen were courteous and the work was done in a timely fashion. 

I went across the street and had a nice breakfast at Bob Evans, then went walking around Wally World where I found some things I wanted/needed and bought them. (Wally World = Walmart)

I walked back to the dealership and sat down in the waiting room and played some Candy Crush Saga. 

Not unpleasant, until some jackass came into the waiting room and started having a conversation on his phone about going trophy hunting. He even said that he wasn't going to pull the trigger unless it was something to mount as he had no more room. 

I wear t-shirts from Arm the Animals while working around town. I have posted many times about my dislike for trophy hunters. 

This guy was about my age, so I probably should have just beat his ass. 

To add to the trophy hunting, he was talking to a male on the phone from what I gather and think I even heard the male voice on the other end, he ended the conversation with "I Love You".

Maybe he was talking to his gay son? 

He knew I could hear him as I looked up from the game and her was looking directly at me. 

Around here, I dislike the gays as much as the trophy hunters.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

All the guests, from politicians to government workers in high positions to supposed experts on the television shows get paid by dollars that corporations use for advertising tax write offs. 

They are all on the take.

End the advertising write off.

You computer nerds with the "god" complex need to realize two things:

1. There is no such thing as god.

2. You can not program emotions into a computer. Emotions are critical to the human thinking process. Sometimes emotions cause bad decisions, sometimes they produce good decisions such as compassion or empathy.

It is called computer logic. No emotions, just straight forward if this then that or decisions. Programming is weighted by the programmer.

You are not making Artificial Intelligence, you are just trying to make a computer act like you.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

This morning it has been the line from Patient Number 9 that says "I'm not getting out alive" over and over and over and over and over. 

Typical psychobabble bullshit operation trying to get the target to think that they are not getting out alive by the repetitive attacks. 

Psychobabble bullshit 101.

I do not get song lyrics stuck in my head. Never. Not once since I was a small child. Even then it would have been a cartoon theme song or a commercial jingle. 

That shit stopped sometime in grade school.

See how easy it is to figure out that the garbage tries to manipulate you with song lyrics and "catchy" jingles. 

Religions have been using song lyrics to brainwash people for over a thousand years. Add in the flashing/flickering candle and the entraining organ music.

No one controls my mind but me.

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Look people, fuck the no tip shit. It is bad enough that Doordash has a $2.50 minimum delivery pay. I am not going to take a fucking bullshit $2.50 delivery. 

Between gas and the time it takes to do that delivery I would be working for free or too close to it not to piss me off and want to shove that order down your throat.

I turned down the same offer twice tonight at $2.51 and $3.01. Get it your fucking self. 

I am not your delivery slave.

You asshole students that don't want to tip can fucking starve for all I care. 

Do you stiff the waiter or waitress at a restaurant that brings you your food? Do you stiff the pizza delivery driver? 

You young students are quite capable of getting your own food, especially with the grade school academics of MSU.

If you are only ordering a small amount of stuff, I still have the same time and expenses involved as if you were ordering a 13 course meal. 

Friday, August 12, 2022

The delivery app companies have taken to offering 2 orders at the same time. 

The companies sent out emails and messages in app saying that they were doing this so that the drivers could make more money. That is complete fraudulent garbage. 

What really happens is that the companies do not pay the full delivery as if it were a single delivery. 

If the pickups are at the same place, the driver only gets the pay for going to the restaurant once. If the pickups are in two different places, the driver gets paid from where they are when they accept the delivery to the first pickup and then they only get the distance to the second pickup instead of the full distance from where they accepted the offers to both places. 

The driver loses out on the second full pay for the pickup.

The deliveries work in the same way.

If 2 pickups at the same place are going to the same place the driver will only get the base pay for one delivery and the other will only be whatever the customer tipped.

If 2 pickups are at different places, but delivered to the same place the driver only gets paid the mileage for one delivery from the second pickup.

If two different pickups are going to two different places the driver only gets the pay from the first delivery location to the second delivery location instead of the full pay from the pick up location.

Two deliveries should be counted as single deliveries for the pay. Both should get the full pay as if they were being done as single deliveries. 

The only people benefiting from the way that they do it is the shareholders and the people running the delivery companies.  

The customers also get screwed when the 2 pickups are in different places and the first is ready, but the second may take 15+ minutes wait time. The first order is sitting in the driver's car for that wait time unless it is close enough for the driver to deliver and come back. That is if the driver will even do that. I will if possible, but most will not.

That sometimes happens at the same restaurant because they added on another pickup just before you got there or while you were waiting for the first order. They do that to avoid paying another driver the distance to the pickup and the full delivery distance.

I am going to send this post to the U.S. Dept. of Labor in the morning. These practices are highly unethical if not downright illegal.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

This is how fucking stupid the people running the delivery apps are.

I just got an email saying "Avoid reassigned orders by tapping arrived as soon as you get to the restaurant."

They didn't forget. Either the app wouldn't let them, which is pretty common as most of the programmers seem to be on a junior high school level, or they are stealing the orders.

Maybe 1 or 2 percent of the time does someone actually forget to tap arrived.

All of that can be avoided by requiring all restaurants to verify the pickup has been made by showing them while you tap Got Order, Confirm, or whatever that app uses.

You can't get to those buttons until after you tap arrived.


Sunday, August 7, 2022

 Whatever job I can get, I have to have one day Monday through Friday off. I have to have doctor appointments and vet appointments. 

More reason that I hate this podunk shit hole.

Everyone wants to keep government hours and only work M-F. 

Fuck the government. Make them stay open on weekends. 

Days are just days you fucking morons. It is a 24 hour, 7 days a week, 365 days a year world. 

Your small town horseshit sucks.

Why is it that you think you have to do things on Saturday and Sunday? Religious bullshit? Sports bullshit?

There are no gods idiots. Monday and Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Thursday and Friday, Friday and Saturday, Sunday and Monday are all the same except that you fucking morons make them into some bullshit.

I take Monday and Tuesday off right now. Works for me. Two days in a row are two days in a row.

Don't let the assholes split up your two days off. That is just another control mechanism for the assholes.

Personally, the less people that are wherever I am trying to get things done the better.

I have no problem socializing, I just prefer to have intelligent conversations or solving problems. 



Saturday, August 6, 2022

When stupid people are assholes to an animal by taunting it, teasing it or poking it and the animal gets loose and tears them up do you applaud the animal?

I Do. I figure that they got what they deserved.

Why is it any different when those same stupid assholes taunt, tease or poke a another human?

Yes, they do it. Then they use the "you can't hit me" crap. If you want to hit them they try to blame you for wanting to use violence.

I say fuck them they deserve to get their ass beat. Male or female.

Friday, August 5, 2022

I am trying to get out of the 'gig' garbage.

Even if stuck in it, I will not be the one doing Michigan State deliveries.

I pointed it out last year and the same still applies.

Fuck that area.

I may end up on the other side of town since the construction bullshit in Okemos will be a fucking nightmare when the students come back and on home football games.

More orders, but you end up doing less and making less because you can't get anywhere and the restaurants are full and take longer to get the orders out.


Thursday, August 4, 2022

Does the Monkeypox outbreak clue you in a little more about who here was running at the mouth and spreading rumors about me?

The no self control LGBT crowd starting at the Travelers Club restaurant.

The useless cowboy car dealership family was also involved.

Then pretty much everyone joined in. They would rather talk about someone behind their back than do the right thing and point out to that someone who is talking about them.

Then they all get together and act innocent so whoever they were gossiping about gets fucked over.

I wonder why I would hate them?

 I just sent this to the U.S. Department of Labor:

Grubhub has a set up that makes you accept 95% of their offers to reach their 'premier' status. The premier status lets you schedule delivery blocks on an earlier day than other status levels do. They recently started a very unfair practice of allowing premier status people to set their availability and then they will schedule the blocks before the day it is allowed in the app. They play favorites and purposefully harass people that they want to quit by not giving them any blocks through the advance scheduling or scheduling them outside of the availability that they set. If you wait until the very minute that the premier status is supposed to let you start scheduling blocks they are all gone except for the ones that no one wants. This is not a fair business practice as they have no checks to prove that they do not discriminate against certain contractors. Also, The whole gig industry advertises as work when you want and where you want, but then the penalize you if you do not work when they want you to and where they want you to. Sounds like fraud to me. FYI, The entire industry is set up to benefit restaurants, especially large chains, and the app writers. It is specifically aimed at taking advantage of minorities, immigrants and marginalized groups.

 If you order through Grubhub or Uber you are condoning their bullshit business practices.

Grubhub is getting reported for their bullshit business practices. The very minute that the top tier is allowed to schedule, I tried to start scheduling for next week. Everything that I normally schedule was already gone.

I tried to set availability and get my schedule set up in advance and they screwed me around.

They are harassing me trying to get me to quit.

Chicago isn't that far you sniveling little punk ass pussy computer programming wienies.

Grubhub is run by the same kind of garbage as Uber. They all need to die.

Amazing how all the fucking piss ant mother fucking piece of shit other drivers here suddenly want the schedule that I normally have. I want them all dead.

Time to have a revolution and put the products back into the hands of the workers and make the programmers the McDonalds type employees. Take the world back from the nerds.

Anyone trying to produce AI deserves the death penalty.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

The assholes with the weaponry like to use the "We'll make you fat", "you'll fill out" or "We'll make you gain weight" anything else about me gaining weight as part of their attacks.

They know I do not want to be fat. They stuck me in a shit job that I get no exercise to make me gain weight and/ or to make me have to give up my free time to workout.

Anyone trying to make me fat is someone that I want to bash your skull in with a baseball bat.

I hate every single fucking thing that you assholes do yo me and want your families exterminated because of it.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

The nazi pigs with the weaponry constantly use the "you weren't getting laid" bullshit whenever I point out that I was doing just fine until they started their crap.

I was not trying to get laid. I was the one pointing out that I do not have sex with women that I work with or men ever.

The useless idiot pieces of shit in this crap hole couldn't stop meddling in other people's lives. The garbage lowlife sex cults.

The LGBT community here pretty much made an enemy out of me everywhere.

They were the ones spreading shit all over town, not me.

I am not trying to get laid now either. I would rather be dead than ever have sex in this shit hole because of the harassment.

I want is to have a decent job to save money to get out of this asshole of a state.

You fucking pieces of shit from Dayton that were involved have also made an enemy for life.

I already hated religions and will continue to hate them wherever I am.

Everyone that trapped me in this fucking job that I am in right now by telling people not to hire me, I want exterminated.

Sunday, July 31, 2022

I complained about too many fucking hours at that shit hole FredEx Ground. They pulled their PC chicken shit garbage and fired me. 

I have tried to get hired at so many place in this fucking town it isn't funny. Nothing.

I have been stuck in a piece of shit trap job that I have to put in even more hours to make a living and all it does is go back into the vehicle.

I don't even have time to grow a garden anymore.

I want everyone involved in fucking me around on the job or out of jobs in this cesspool exterminated. 

No one should have to work 2 jobs or put in 60+ hours a week to be able to make a living. 

Everyone should be able to make a living on a 40 hour a week job and support themselves.

It is time to exterminate all that make it otherwise.

Time to end the psychobabble bullshit of making your job your life.

Time to end the fraternization in the workplace psychobabble bullshit to make you want to stay for a little money as possible.

(Promoting sex in the workplace to get people to stay is a form of human trafficking, morons. Sex in exchange for work is illegal.)

Time to wipe out the U.S. oligarchs and the overpaid useless entertainers.

Time to get rid of all the AI that scumbags have tricking idiots into using.

Time to get rid of the data mining for sale to advertisers that in turn sell the ads to corporations that use it as a tax write off. 

Time to learn how to fucking drive and stop all the computer distractions in the vehicle.


Saturday, July 30, 2022

 Death to every fucking one of those pussy ass, little punk bitch, piece of shit dart players from both Plum Crazy Sports bar and the Mayfair.

Their friends and their families.

This whole capitalist pig asshole of a profiteering country needs to be wiped out. 

The automobile and automobile service industry are price gougers that need to be stopped.

With this shit called the gig economy all of the costs have been put on the drivers and so much more maintenance is now done on their vehicles the repair shops are making a killing.

Demand did not drop prices, it increased them.

 Death to all nazis

I did not start this shit. I told these fucking pieces of shit to back the fuck up off of me and all they did was make it a thousand times worse.
I want them all to die horrible painful deaths.



I will never stop hating or wanting exterminated anyone that had or still has anything to do with the destruction of my life.


Death to anyone that has anything to do with cocaine.


Someone may want to tell the morons that walk by and act like they are coughing on me or towards me that since I have diabetes and an elderly mother at home I can get away with defending myself against your attacks with a deadly weapon.

I have no way of knowing whether or not you are infected and it can kill me.

Friday, July 29, 2022

My blocks today with Grubhub started at 11 a.m.

There will be a lot of screenshots at the bottom to back up what I am saying.

My first offer on a block was cancelled when I got to the Dunkin donuts on Okemos road by I96. While at Dunkin and in the middle of a hotspot zone I got another offer within minutes. 

That offer was all the way over to MLK and I96 McDonalds. Driving right past more hot zones on S. Cedar at I96.

I turned the app to unavailable to get out of the area and back over by Cedar. I turned that app back on and got a 5.28 offer to pick up at Marcos and go back south to the hotel just south of I96 on Cedar. 

I turned the app unavailable while doing the delivery so they didn't try to add on another small order and I was planning on going back over to Okemos road. 

Without any warning, they send a message that say this is Grubhub please toggle back to available or we will adjust your schedule, they just sent me a message that they updated my schedule. Meaning that they force dropped the rest of the block which will count against me as a dropped block because they stuck me in an area that I did not want to work in and tried to trap me there.

The whole bullshit of work where you want when you want is complete fraud. I sent there tech support a not pleasant email about why I do not want to go to certain areas because of the shit cell coverage from Metro PCS.

If you turn down 1 offer from Grubhub you have to deliver 19 offers to keep the 95% required for premier. The premier is mostly just to supposedly get first crack at scheduling blocks, but they fucked that up and play favorites discriminating against people they do not like.

I check at exactly the minute that scheduling becomes available for premier and almost all the morning and afternoon blocks are already gone.

I have not had a scheduled catering order in almost 6 months. 

I am premier, but they keep giving me little bullshit orders to force me to do them to keep premier.

I would very much like to sue them for fraud and harassment if I knew a decent lawyer. There is also discrimination as I am a straight white male.

My day ended when I was headed home with 5 minutes left on my block and got an offer for Lucky's Steak House on Okemos road. I was on Cedar pretty close to the I96 on ramp so I was going to take it. I took it ans after I got on the highway the customer cancelled it. 

It was a $14+ delivery and I got a whole dollar. 

2 orders cancelled shortly after they got notified that I was the driver???

Morgan and Leslie were their first names.

Here are the screenshots, the time of day is in the upper left corner:


Great. Now I have burns on my left hand fingers from trying to fill my thermos with coffee this morning.

Pouring it as usual, but I guess I titled the carafe too far and the coffee went over the thermos and down onto my fingers holding the handle of the thermos.

I fucking hate coffee maker carafes. Any of them with lids suck.

The one I have now is a Cuisinart with a carafe that the lid is a different piece and snaps into place. It does not pivot, it is either snapped down or it will come off entirely.

It is crap designed by crap.

If you tip it too fast the coffee will start to come out in spurts and overshoot what you are trying to pour it into.

The quality control people should be fired.

Probably some bullshit safety design that makes it worse for people that are not idiots.

The garbage with the weaponry does everything that they can do to destroy my health. They are trying to make me insulin dependent.

This whole thing has never been a joke or a game it has been to fuck me over. To kill me slowly and make it look like something natural or to drive me to kill others and get killed. 

It is a warfare operation both physical and psychological. 

It is done by some of the lowest forms of human beings that there are. 

Anyone that protects them deserves to die with them. 

Thursday, July 28, 2022

While driving to a pick up today for no reason my Internet went out. I was on Kinawa road headed east to Dobie. It came back on then went back out again headed to the same pick up.

Later, while on my last block for Grubhub they decided to send me downtown fucking Lansing again. 

Keep fucking around asshole, when I find you you will find out just how hard I can swing a baseball bat. 

Once again I turned the app to unavailable and got the fuck out of the area while turning it back to available and back unavailable after a few seconds. I drove back to the area where I start my day and turned Doordash back on. I got a Doordash offer and took it. 

I played with the Grubhub app until my block ended and logged out. 

It does seem strange though that at the exact time my night ended the whole area lit up with hot spots for Grubhub.

Here are the screenshots from the Internet outage and from the end of the night.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

 I thought that I would try the set availability for Grubhub scheduling blocks again this week to see. 

I set my availability on both Saturday and Sunday next week August 6th and 7th for 8:30 am to 8:30 pm both days.

Here is what they gave me:


Their app is apiece of crap. My last deliveries tonight were from Mancinos. When I got to Mancinos and was literally standing inside the store I clicked on arrived. The fucking app said it looks like I wasn't there yet and I needed to move closer??????

I called support and got the usual bullshit and finally just yelled into the phone "Fix your fucking app!".

I wrote the addresses down to deliver the orders in case the app wouldn't let me get to them. I had to call support back because one of the addresses was an apartment. After that call when I went back inside the app finally registered that I was standing in the establishment.

I got the orders and delivered them, but since one of them went downtown Lansing I just said fuck it and played with the available setting while driving home. I will not do pickup in the downtown area and my block was over in 20 minutes so screw it. 

I truly hate this fucking job and everyone that got me stuck in it.

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

I hate religion and will keep busting its chops as much as possible until it no longer exists.

I also hate pseudoscience and things pushed as scientific fact that are based in utter nonsense or just plain wrong.

I will clarify something that mathematics and therefore physics has gotten wrong and based a bunch of bullshit in.

The exponentiation factor.

The exponentiation factor is a scientific notation and not a mathematical function.

The number used as the exponentiation factor represents how many mathematical functions are to take place to get the number abbreviated by the notation.

A positive integer represents the number of multiplications, while a negative integer represents the number of divisions to take place.

Set up a line graph and start in the middle with 0, which would simply correspond to the number remaining the number and no mathematical functions taking place, and number outward one side positive integers and one side negative integers.

Each integer would then represent how many times the original number is multiplied or divided by itself to get the number represented by the abbreviation or notation.

This is not rocket science so to speak and should have been figured out by so called scholars a long time ago.

Mathematics and physics that misuse the exponentiation factor may just need to use the correct notation or may be complete bullshit because of its misuse.

In short, an exponentiation factor of 2 means that 2 multiplications need to take place. An exponentiation factor of -2 means that 2 divisions need to take place.

Monday, July 25, 2022

Over and over and over and over with the fucking song lyric attacks. Just makes you want to kill everyone that works in radio.

Quit shooting up schools and start going after the mass media and corporations.

Blow up cell towers and other broadcasting facilities. 

Don't forget about politicians and Supreme Court Justices. 

Expose and destroy the weaponry.

Feel free to go after all the psychobabble industry garbage that covers up for the real problems; Religions, addiction to money, military industrial complexes, gambling addiction of the stock market, griefers, etc.

Saturday, July 23, 2022

The nazi pigs are back to fucking with my eyes again. LOEye called to have me set up an appointment. I told my mother that I could not afford it.

The next day after having no eye problems for months they start in with their bullshit.

I can feel the attacks inside my head that cause my eyes to not focus with each other properly.

This morning after being up for 2 and 1/2 hours and as I am getting ready to leave, suddenly my right eye gets blurry. I can feel the entrainment attacks inside my head.

Then the nazi pigs start in with their "You put too much emphasis on looks", "We'll make you blind, then what?", etc, etc.

I just checked my blood sugar and it was 162, so it would not at all be high enough to cause any eye problems.

My personal tastes are up to me not anyone else. If you don't like them too fucking bad.

I do not live to make you happy.

If you do not find me attractive that is o.k. You are entitled to your own personal tastes.

The only time personal tastes are wrong is if they include children.

You can find someone that is past puberty but still underage attractive, but you are wrong for trying to have sex with them if you are an adult until they reach the age of consent.

Now to the nazi pigs, FUCK OFF AND LEAVE ME ALONE.


Wednesday, July 20, 2022

 The useless nazi pig garbage with the weaponry like to use the "He does this" or "She does that" or "They do this or that".

They also use did instead of do depending on present or past things that they are pushing.

It is a psychological ploy to get me to want to go after whoever they are refering to. Once someone starts putting the blame on whoever they are talking about then they are starting to agree with/identify with the attackers.

The victim are being led by the attackers.

Enough people here took place in the harassment and other bullshit before the attacks began that I already disliked them.

Granted, the escalation to the attacks from their bullshit has made me hate them and pretty much want all of them dead, but I do not identify with the attackers and never will.

Personally, there is no one on the planet that I loathe, despise, detest and hate more than those that use, produce, fund or cover up for the weaponry. (Religions are a close second).

Remember TIs, the assholes with the weaponry are the ones attacking you. Their street theater gang stalkers are just as bad as they are.

They will try and get you to think that someone not involved is involved.

Friday, July 15, 2022

 A few months ago while I was talking to driver support on Grubhub the person I was talking to told me that Gurbhub in their infinite wisdom changed their pay scale.

He said that they think it is harder to drive a few blocks in the city in the rain than it is to drive a few miles in the country that they lowered the pay for the country driving and upped the pay for the city driving. 

What they don't seem to understand is that a few blocks in the city may be quite aggravating but it does not use much gas. 

Yesterday, I was headed from Holt to Okemos when they gave me an offer to pick up at the Wendys in Mason and the delivery went just south of Leslie. 

I basically have to take the offers or lose my Premier level. 

When the delivery was over I checked the earnings activity and it was listed as 19.5 miles for $12.08.

I do not get paid for the mileage back to Holt, Okemos or even Mason if there is and offer there.

Round trip is 30+ miles. 

US127 is under construction almost the whole way.


This job fucking sucks.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Why is it that so many computer programmers have such a hard time accepting that sometimes the things that they think are such an improvement are actually complete and total garbage?

That is what too much praise does to children. 

 I tried the set availability scheduling through Grubhub yesterday to see what they would give me.

They said deleting the blocks assigned within 24 hours of getting them will not count against you, and I deleted every fucking single one that they gave me

What they gave me was complete and total bullshit.

They gave me two half hour blocks all 5 days that I set availability for. 

They did not even stay within the parameters of the times that I set.

There are no half hour blocks even in the offerings when you try to set your schedule manually.

There mother fucking better be blocks available tomorrow when I can schedule or we are going to have a major fucking problem.

Whoever scheduled that shit needs to be fired.

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

 On my last delivery tonight the special notes stated that the GPS was wrong and where the actual address is located. There are 2 roads with the same name. I read the special notes and had no trouble finding the correct place to deliver using Google maps. 

 When I got there the customers met me at the door and said that a driver that had just delivered to them from Grubhub asked them for an extra charge because they had to drive around. 

Never pay a so-called extra charge unless you are speaking to a Grubhub or whatever app you use representative on the phone. Even then it is more than likely not the customer that will have to cover any 'extra' charges the company will. 

What that driver did is called a scam. It is illegal as it is a con.

The customers were an elderly couple. 

If someone does this to you immediately call the app company and let them know. 


 I have been tying to point out the psycho-babble bullshit for years. 

HR departments are full of people that are full of it.

Saturday, July 9, 2022

The nazi pin dicks with the weaponry are 100 times worse than the gossiping idiots.

I can just stop talking to the gossiping idiots, I can not stop thinking.

I stopped talking to people here because they gossip and twist what you say around to fit their agenda.

So some fucking asshole hooked this weaponry to me and now they spread around what I am supposedly thinking twisting it around to fit their agenda or just to fuck me over.

I do now and will forever HATE everyone involved in this bullshit being done to me.

I will reiterate once again.

Telepathy is impossible. Your brain will not interpret the evoked potential patterns of someone else's brain.

If you think that you are hearing someone else's thoughts, you are either crazy or being attacked with the evoked potential radiation weaponry.

That means that they have already remote neural monitored you enough to be able to put into your head the evoked potential patterns to make you think that you are hearing someone else's thoughts.

They have your evoked potential correlated enough to know every single thought that you have.

If you are o.k. with that then you are either a scumbag like them or too fucking stupid to be allowed to exist.

Either way, I can assure you that I have no desire whatsoever to have sex with you. Ending your existence would be preferable.

The assholes with the weaponry are back on their sleep deprivation crap again.

Expose the weaponry and try everyone that uses, produces, funds or covers up for it for crimes against humanity and execute them.

The first time in the 9 years that I have had my cats one of them pooped on the kitchen rug and peed in the dining room on the linoleum. 

There was poop and pee in the litter box, but not enough to make them go elsewhere. 

Don't put it past the lowlife government garbage to attack and torture your pets causing all kinds of things. 

Goes all the way back to pieces of shit like Jose Delgado experimenting on animals for the CIA. Still continues today with garbage all over the place. Check into White Coat Waste to see some of the animal experimenting labs that they have gotten shut down.

The lowlife pieces of shit with the radiation weaponry are the same kind of people or worse. 

Don't put it past Michigan State University to be involved in animal experimentation either as they are a veterinarian and agriculture/farming school and have a history of working with the CIA. 

I hate this nazi pig bullshit. 

Monday, July 4, 2022

 Why does the Internet go through Raytheon?

part of a tracert to

9    38 ms    39 ms    39 ms [2001:1900:2100::21a2]

Friday, July 1, 2022

For the extremely slow people of this area so that they don't try and report me.

The shirt I wore yesterday has a picture of a Gorilla flying the bird and a caption that reads "Poach this".

Unless you are someone that supports or takes part in the poaching of gorillas there really is no need to be offended.

I know this being a PC crap hole you will be anyways and I really just do not give a rat's ass what so-called people like you think, but for those that weren't sure it is against the assholes that kill the gorillas for trophies or some insane supposed medicinal bullshit.

I will wear it again, Fuck you.

 I will re-iterate: 



I may support the efforts of some groups, but I do not join them.

I hate this fucking area. 

I truly want to destroy everything that you assholes have tried to put me in.

I hate all of you because you know what is being done to me and who is putting out the rumors to start shit, but you won't tell me. You won't help to get the weaponry shut down.

You play games with my life behind my back.

That makes you all my enemies, not my friends. That translates into you all don't like me, not that you do.

This shit hole and those punk ass turd drug dealers from Dayton, Oh started this shit.

You will all be my enemies for life. Everyone that joined in will be my enemy for life. 

Expose the weaponry and destroy it, or die with it. 

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

 Interesting read.

Monday, June 27, 2022

Why no outcry over other species abortions?

I eat meat so I am guilty of that. I had no idea about the shit in the paragraph quote from the article link.


"However, the dairy industry isn’t through with her. It is common practice to impregnate her one last time, and send her to slaughter when she is about eight months pregnant or so, for the extra profit that her unborn fetus can bring at the slaughter-plant. So after hanging her upside down and slitting her throat so that she dies by the slow and painful death of being bled out, workers cut her open and perform a late-term abortion, stabbing her unborn calf because of the extra profit this calf brings to the industry in three ways. First, the skin of unborn calves can be used to make fine leather that fetches a higher price. Second, the stomachs of these unborn calves have already started to produce rennin, the hormone substance that we don’t have that breaks down the main protein in cow milk, casein, and this rennin is used by the cheese industry to coagulate milk to make cheese. Third, the pharmaceutical industry wants to use the “fetal bovine serum” that is in the calf’s heart and circulatory system for their vaccines, and so workers insert a long needle into the beating heart of the calf to extract this substance, before slitting his or her throat."


Oh that's right your non-existant god put other species of animals here for humans to do whatever they want with.

Shove your religions up your asses and die with them.

 Yahoo is pathetic. 

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Overturning Roe v Wade has nothing to do with politics.
It is all about religious bullshit.
There are no gods and the world would be a better place without religions.


Saturday, June 25, 2022

 For all you Military Industrial Complex supporters and share holding garbage.

The economy sucks. 

Where do you think that you are going to get the money to replace all the weapons that you are sending to Ukraine?

I support Ukraine. Poo Poo fucked up and should be held accountable. 

Putin, in case you didn't know poo poo is a synonym for shit in English.

The military has been bankrupting this country for a long time.

Remember jackasses, the U.S. did the same thing to the Soviet Union.  

Quit fucking around and take out the Kremlin assholes. 

Fuck their religion as well.

 If you haven't noticed, I say fuck you to the left and/or fuck you to the right when either of you push bullshit.

Fuck all your bullshit.

Next up for the religious Court; The banning of homosexuality.

Followed by burning all science curriculum books.

I am not a fan of the LGBT yada, yada, yada community especially the tranny kid bullshit, but I fucking hate religions.

Maybe Trump can be the Supreme Leader and sit around all day in a room full of delusional idiots like himself and talk about grabbing women by the pussy. 

 Time to impeach 6 supreme Court Justices. 

How many medical professionals would be willing to testify that abortions should be allowed and are indeed needed in certain cases?

The 6 justices have proven that they can not do their jobs without the influence of their religions. 

They can not be impartial and should be impeached. 

This is all about religious bullshit.

A huge part of the problem is the psychobabble pieces of garbage not helping get rid of the insane religious bullshit.

Religion is the worst atrocity ever committed by humans on humans and needs to be completely and totally eradicated from existence.

All of them.

There is no such thing as a god.

Friday, June 24, 2022

 A couple of days ago I looked at my Doordash ratings and suddenly they dropped. I have no idea why anyone would rate me low on there. I read the instructions every single time. 

Are the people here so pathetic that they would be snide ass little bitches trying to rate me low enough to not be able to use Doordash either.

Sooner or later I will get proof on who is behind this shit and when I do it will be either me or you.

Well with Roe v Wade gone there will most likely be another Civil War pretty soon.

Religious states against secular ones.

Biden better take it seriously and start moving military equipment out of the religious states. That includes the missile silos.

Do you really want religious controlled nuclear armed states?

Do you really want religious controlled heavily armed with military equipment states?

These religious fanatics do not care about anything but their religious bullshit. They want the end of the world or judgement day to happen.

Do you really want a bunch of Putin states attacking their neighbors?

Congress has to close bases, but the Commander in Chief can redeploy without Congress.

Probably should neuter Texas and the like.

 I had one block this afternoon on Grubhub from 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm. 

All the assholes did was send me to a part of town that they know I do not want to work in. Nothing but small orders even on a block on a Friday night.

I fucking hate app writing little cunt programmers. The world would be a better place without smart phones and all the app bullshit.

Earlier in the day when I was able to try and schedule blocks for next week, there was nothing fucking left.

So all the fucking pieces of shit started doing Grubhub to fuck me out of making any money since Uber garbage fucked me out of using it on the word of one lying ass cunt from Lansing without any proof. 

That cunt and the cunt that supposedly investigated the incident are both garbage that the world would be a better place without. If I find out that the one that supposedly investigated it is from Michigan I am going to go ballistic.

The next person in this state that twists my words around or fucks me out of my job is as good as dead. 


The next time I see someone doing this job with out of state plates I am going to go off on them.

One asshole with Florida plates said "just wait" when I left Cracker Barrel with an order to deliver after he had just picked up an order to deliver and was getting in his car.

 Die asshole, die.

A couple of days later two people in a van with Indiana license plates each using a cell phone were picking up Uber orders from Uni Sushi. 

This town is just full of bullshit assholes and I hate every fucking one of them.

You assholes that took all the blocks can get out there and make $200 dollars in 12 hours and put 300 miles on your car.

Everyone out in the boonies, especially the dirt roads order away on August 2nd and 3rd as I have no blocks and most likely won't get the deliveries. Let the assholes see what it is really like.

I sent an email to Grubhub technical support today telling them about their crap app and to stop sending me the same bullshit to try and blame it on me. I also pointed out that there is no way that I would join their driver safety council as I will never use Zoom for anything and that the other drivers are not my friends they are my competition and I particularly want them safe.

Fuck any company that would rather have ass kissing weasels that do not care about anything other than making the pickups regardless of it making someone else's order sit around longer. 

Everything would be much better if the whole gig economy were done away with and companies that wanted to deliver had to hire their own drivers.

I have also seen a lot of younger drivers out there. Screw you. You take your turn working in the restaurants like most of the older people did when they were your age. Sorry ass little punks.

Clean this shit up. Require drug testing and a chauffeur's license. Require insurance verification. Immediately drug test any driver that is in an accident. 

Fuck you assholes, driving is a profession not a fucking game.

 Here is a typical screenshot of some of the bullshit that these apps, in this case Grubhub, will pull on the drivers.

They give you what they know are shit orders just to get you to reject the offer and to keep your acceptance rate down so you can not schedule blocks. 

I was sitting in a hotspot in Okemos and they sent me all the way to MLK for an $8 delivery. 




 Have you ever watched the movie 'Ready Player One'? 

It is nothing special just a movie. 

There is a scene in it though that is pertinent to something happening now.

The main bad guy in the movie wants to take over the virtual reality world and turn it into advertising, advertising, advertising.

Is that where Zuckerberg got his idea for Metaverse?

He claims it can make billions. The only way is through advertising in it, selling products advertising it and making everything in it for sale. (If you have money to spend on things you can look rich in the virtual reality world.)

The whole thing will be about taking your personal information and trying to sell you things inside the virtual reality world. 

Product placement will be everywhere with companies buying billboards and the like inside the virtual reality world. 

It will be worse than the real world as far as the advertising bullshit. 

Griefers will run rampant. They will use the excuse of "it's only a game" or "it isn't real" to justify their pathetic behavior. 

Think GTA, only your avatar will be the hookers. 


Thursday, June 23, 2022

Well once again I get charged with missing and offer that never came through to my phone. It counts against my acceptance rate and affects my ability to schedule blocks.

It should not be legal to do it. 

Today's bullshit supposedly happened while I was stuck at a train on Hagadorn. They resent the same offer 2 minutes later and I accepted it so why the fuck would I have sat there and let the timer run out on it?

I could point it out to Grubhub for years and they still won't do anything about it. 

Doordash sends a message that they tried to send an offer but it did not get through to my phone so they are pausing the app. That is how a legitimate company would do it. 

It seems to happen mostly either around the downtown Lansing area or around the MSU campus/downtown East Lansing area.

My service has went out when driving through construction zones where the workers had radios. 

The Grubhub app is supposed to ring a cowbell noise when there is an offer. That works about half of the time. 

I fucking hate this shit job that they trapped me into. I do not want my own company and never have. I especially do not want the 1099 bullshit.

I would not in any way shape or form want to contract with the fucking government. 

I am not allowed to have a security clearance. If I wanted one I could have appealed my discharge over 35 years ago. 

 Death to Uber/Uber Eats.


Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Wonderful. I try to work and save money to get out of this fucking shit hole of a state and now they summon me for fucking jury duty to miss more work.

Fuck Michigan they are all guilty.

Just more reason to hate this fucking area.

Ingham County no less. You know the assholes that have fucked up almost every single road in the area.

Apparently they didn't get the message 22 years ago when i said if they didn't stop torturing and harassing me I would stop caring.

The only people that I hate more than the ones involved here are the punk assholes from East 5th street Dayton.

You do not want me on your jury. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

All any defense contractor or weapons seller cares about is money. They do not care about right or wrong they just want wars to continue so they can profit.

The U.S. would not even be sending weapons to Ukraine right now if it wasn't going to be a windfall for weapons makers.

Everyone that works in psyops for every country should be rounded up and tried for crimes against humanity then executed.

Religions try to psychologically bully children into believing in their garbage.

The LGBTQ+ community tries to psychologically bully children into their garbage.

Both group are pieces of shit.

Religions are cults. They brainwash people with fear of fairy tales. They use bullshit 'science' to try and push their mantra. 

The whole 'trans' bullshit of the LGBTQ+ community is the same way. You have become a cult. You use complete bullshit 'science' to try and force your cult bullshit on children.

Most people did not give a shit about you being homosexual or bisexual. You crossed the line with the tranny crap especially when you started pushing it on children.

You are just as bad as religions. 

You need to be abolished with the religions.

Saturday, June 18, 2022

The lowlife garbage with the weaponry is back to not letting me sleep again. 

Everyone involved in using, producing, funding or covering up for the weaponry deserves the death penalty.

Everyone involved in the gang-stalking deserves the death penalty. 

Friday, June 17, 2022

Well I get back out there today and when I go to schedule blocks for next week, they are all gone.

Grubhub has 3 tiers of program level as they call it. Acceptance rates of 95, 85 and below 85 percent of offers required for each level.

I have been doing this shit for 6 months with Grubhub now and the only way that you can get 95% acceptance rate is to either not care about making any money or not care about the food quality for the customers. (Or both). 

Seriously, they fuck you around on purpose to try and get you to reject offers. 

2 minutes before my block ended tonight, I was traveling south on Hagadorn between Mt. Hope and Bennent roads when they sent me an offer for Wendy's on Marsh road across from the mall to be delivered to Williamston for $10. 

To keep 100% acceptance I had to take it. 

Do the math, if you reject 1 offer you have to deliver 19 of 20 that day to still be at 95%.

You rarely get 20 offers in a day anymore. 

Last week  offers did not even come through to my phone because of the fucked up coverage in Lansing and I still got screwed over on the acceptance rate as they say that I missed them. 

The week before that I had a choice of either waiting in a drive thru line for 15 minutes while the other order that I had already picked up sat in the car or getting rid of the offer when I saw the drive thru line. 

Fuck that. They should have never even gave me the second offer as the first was a long distance delivery. Any extra waiting is unacceptable. 

So I get screwed on my acceptance rate because I actually want to do the job correctly.  

These app delivery companies are total bullshit. All they care about is someone picking up the order and they get their commission from the sale. Anything else and they blame the drivers.

Next week I have a total of about 4 or 5 blocks. I have 5 blocks tomorrow alone.

Anyone in government that is not trying to regulate this industry needs to be voted out of office.

I am getting so fucking sick of this shit hole it is not funny. 

Monday, June 13, 2022

 My car is finally in the shop as the parts came in. I won't be back out delivering until Friday at the earliest.

Sunday, June 12, 2022

The more weight that the assholes try to make me gain the more hatred for everyone involved and the more I want to destroy everything they are a part of. 

They use the entrainment and the radiation weaponry to affect my stomach. 

The trapped me in a job that I get no exercise. 

Everyone that covers up for them deserves to be destroyed with them.

All of you people that take part in the friends at work or having sex with co-workers bullshit are being played by your corporate masters.

They encourage that kind of shit to keep you 'happy' without paying you.

If you were trying to keep your work and life separate you might be looking for more pay so you could live your life away from work.

The rich get richer and if you speak out you get blacklisted.

The less people that there are running mega-conglomerates the easier it is for them to blacklist you.

The more small companies that are absorbed by big companies the easier it is to fuck over anyone trying to speak out against them.

Pay attention to something other than social media.

Break up all conglomerates, especially the mass media so they can't spoon feed you bullshit.

The mass media tries to tell you that certain candidates are un-electable. Ever wonder why they tell you that about candidates that want to go after corporations?

Because the mass media is made up of corporations.

The whole advertising dollar thing is why.

End the tax write offs for advertising and you end all the idiotic "influencer" stuff as well.

Ending the tax write off would stop a lot of the data mining, (information about you), collecting because they would have no one to sell it to. Well other than the government.

The news channels would either disappear or have to go back to actual news instead of opinion television.

All the talking heads would lose their paychecks without the advertising dollars to pay them.

Sports salaries would be brought back to Earth without the advertising dollars.

If the corporations still spent the advertising dollars there would be a huge increase in tax revenue, because they couldn't write it off.

Maybe people would want to do something useful instead of being a useless celebrity


All health gains I made working from 2015 to 2021have been completely wiped out by being in this job for 1 fucking year.

I hate all of you for relegating me to this shit work.

My weight gain keeps getting worse because I have to sit on my ass all day in my car. 

There is nothing to carry and the walking part is a joke. 

FedEx Ground wouldn't have been a bad job is it were not for the whole fucking operation. Fuck the contractor bullshit, fuck the daily pay instead of hourly bullshit and mostly fuck the hand holding, ass kissing company culture.

The actual work wasn't the problem. 

Aldi Warehouse is pretty much exactly the same just with fuck cult thrown in. 

I go to work to do my job and get my paycheck to live my life somewhere else with people other than I work with.

I despise, loathe and detest your whole fraternization bullshit.


 Can you idiots get it through your heads. I am not going to give up the small amount of time I have to do things that I enjoy to work out.

I hate working out. I despise going to gyms.

I got my exercise from working.

The garbage with the weaponry has made it so that I can not be around anyone at work because they won't leave me the fuck alone.

They constantly attack and torture me. They try to destroy my concentration. 

I would not be able to work as a cook with them constantly putting shit into my head. They purposefully try to make me make mistakes at work to get their jollies and to try and embarrass me.

I told everyone involved in this shit that I did not want this kind of shit and I specifically stated that I do not want the spotlight.

My hatred for all involved in putting me in the spotlight because they want it will never cease. 

All I want to do now is use it to destroy them.

I specifically posted that I am a route driver and not a delivery boy. So you assholes make it so that the only job I can get is as a delivery boy. I want you all dead.

Not a joke, not a game, I hate you all enough to kill every single one of you and it wouldn't bother me a bit. All I need is the proof of your shit and I will walk away scot free due to self defense.

Those that tell people here to hire or not to hire people all need to be exposed and dead would be a good thing.


Once again this morning the pieces of shit with the weaponry make it so that I can not get back to sleep if I wake up for any reason.

Their sleep deprivation tactics deserve the death penalty.