Friday, July 29, 2022

My blocks today with Grubhub started at 11 a.m.

There will be a lot of screenshots at the bottom to back up what I am saying.

My first offer on a block was cancelled when I got to the Dunkin donuts on Okemos road by I96. While at Dunkin and in the middle of a hotspot zone I got another offer within minutes. 

That offer was all the way over to MLK and I96 McDonalds. Driving right past more hot zones on S. Cedar at I96.

I turned the app to unavailable to get out of the area and back over by Cedar. I turned that app back on and got a 5.28 offer to pick up at Marcos and go back south to the hotel just south of I96 on Cedar. 

I turned the app unavailable while doing the delivery so they didn't try to add on another small order and I was planning on going back over to Okemos road. 

Without any warning, they send a message that say this is Grubhub please toggle back to available or we will adjust your schedule, they just sent me a message that they updated my schedule. Meaning that they force dropped the rest of the block which will count against me as a dropped block because they stuck me in an area that I did not want to work in and tried to trap me there.

The whole bullshit of work where you want when you want is complete fraud. I sent there tech support a not pleasant email about why I do not want to go to certain areas because of the shit cell coverage from Metro PCS.

If you turn down 1 offer from Grubhub you have to deliver 19 offers to keep the 95% required for premier. The premier is mostly just to supposedly get first crack at scheduling blocks, but they fucked that up and play favorites discriminating against people they do not like.

I check at exactly the minute that scheduling becomes available for premier and almost all the morning and afternoon blocks are already gone.

I have not had a scheduled catering order in almost 6 months. 

I am premier, but they keep giving me little bullshit orders to force me to do them to keep premier.

I would very much like to sue them for fraud and harassment if I knew a decent lawyer. There is also discrimination as I am a straight white male.

My day ended when I was headed home with 5 minutes left on my block and got an offer for Lucky's Steak House on Okemos road. I was on Cedar pretty close to the I96 on ramp so I was going to take it. I took it ans after I got on the highway the customer cancelled it. 

It was a $14+ delivery and I got a whole dollar. 

2 orders cancelled shortly after they got notified that I was the driver???

Morgan and Leslie were their first names.

Here are the screenshots, the time of day is in the upper left corner:


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