Friday, August 12, 2022

The delivery app companies have taken to offering 2 orders at the same time. 

The companies sent out emails and messages in app saying that they were doing this so that the drivers could make more money. That is complete fraudulent garbage. 

What really happens is that the companies do not pay the full delivery as if it were a single delivery. 

If the pickups are at the same place, the driver only gets the pay for going to the restaurant once. If the pickups are in two different places, the driver gets paid from where they are when they accept the delivery to the first pickup and then they only get the distance to the second pickup instead of the full distance from where they accepted the offers to both places. 

The driver loses out on the second full pay for the pickup.

The deliveries work in the same way.

If 2 pickups at the same place are going to the same place the driver will only get the base pay for one delivery and the other will only be whatever the customer tipped.

If 2 pickups are at different places, but delivered to the same place the driver only gets paid the mileage for one delivery from the second pickup.

If two different pickups are going to two different places the driver only gets the pay from the first delivery location to the second delivery location instead of the full pay from the pick up location.

Two deliveries should be counted as single deliveries for the pay. Both should get the full pay as if they were being done as single deliveries. 

The only people benefiting from the way that they do it is the shareholders and the people running the delivery companies.  

The customers also get screwed when the 2 pickups are in different places and the first is ready, but the second may take 15+ minutes wait time. The first order is sitting in the driver's car for that wait time unless it is close enough for the driver to deliver and come back. That is if the driver will even do that. I will if possible, but most will not.

That sometimes happens at the same restaurant because they added on another pickup just before you got there or while you were waiting for the first order. They do that to avoid paying another driver the distance to the pickup and the full delivery distance.

I am going to send this post to the U.S. Dept. of Labor in the morning. These practices are highly unethical if not downright illegal.

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