Sunday, June 12, 2022

All of you people that take part in the friends at work or having sex with co-workers bullshit are being played by your corporate masters.

They encourage that kind of shit to keep you 'happy' without paying you.

If you were trying to keep your work and life separate you might be looking for more pay so you could live your life away from work.

The rich get richer and if you speak out you get blacklisted.

The less people that there are running mega-conglomerates the easier it is for them to blacklist you.

The more small companies that are absorbed by big companies the easier it is to fuck over anyone trying to speak out against them.

Pay attention to something other than social media.

Break up all conglomerates, especially the mass media so they can't spoon feed you bullshit.

The mass media tries to tell you that certain candidates are un-electable. Ever wonder why they tell you that about candidates that want to go after corporations?

Because the mass media is made up of corporations.

The whole advertising dollar thing is why.

End the tax write offs for advertising and you end all the idiotic "influencer" stuff as well.

Ending the tax write off would stop a lot of the data mining, (information about you), collecting because they would have no one to sell it to. Well other than the government.

The news channels would either disappear or have to go back to actual news instead of opinion television.

All the talking heads would lose their paychecks without the advertising dollars to pay them.

Sports salaries would be brought back to Earth without the advertising dollars.

If the corporations still spent the advertising dollars there would be a huge increase in tax revenue, because they couldn't write it off.

Maybe people would want to do something useful instead of being a useless celebrity


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