Wednesday, August 24, 2022

 They are trying to make me blind. 

If they make me blind then I can't read the articles and debunk them. 

I can't post about the bullshit called religion. 

They get to protect their sorry ass crapitalism and religious bullshit.

They get to keep pushing their pseudoscience horseshit.

This country is a garbage run shit hole and I am not talking about the bought and paid for politicians. 

Fuck the mass media.

Death to AI.

End the advertising tax write off.

Stop the national security cover up blanket.

Abolish the brainwashing religions, which is all of them.

Put an end to the tranny bullshit.

Think, think, think, think, think.

Stop building crap purposefully that falls apart just so people will have to buy more.

Kill the illegal drug trade that gets people addicted.

Make cell phones phones only, no Internet. 

Set up a detection grid so that if anyone broadcasts frequencies that could affect the brains of animals including humans they get exposed and executed.

In short: Death to god, guns and gold. Think.

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