Wednesday, July 20, 2022

 The useless nazi pig garbage with the weaponry like to use the "He does this" or "She does that" or "They do this or that".

They also use did instead of do depending on present or past things that they are pushing.

It is a psychological ploy to get me to want to go after whoever they are refering to. Once someone starts putting the blame on whoever they are talking about then they are starting to agree with/identify with the attackers.

The victim are being led by the attackers.

Enough people here took place in the harassment and other bullshit before the attacks began that I already disliked them.

Granted, the escalation to the attacks from their bullshit has made me hate them and pretty much want all of them dead, but I do not identify with the attackers and never will.

Personally, there is no one on the planet that I loathe, despise, detest and hate more than those that use, produce, fund or cover up for the weaponry. (Religions are a close second).

Remember TIs, the assholes with the weaponry are the ones attacking you. Their street theater gang stalkers are just as bad as they are.

They will try and get you to think that someone not involved is involved.

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