Friday, June 17, 2022

Well I get back out there today and when I go to schedule blocks for next week, they are all gone.

Grubhub has 3 tiers of program level as they call it. Acceptance rates of 95, 85 and below 85 percent of offers required for each level.

I have been doing this shit for 6 months with Grubhub now and the only way that you can get 95% acceptance rate is to either not care about making any money or not care about the food quality for the customers. (Or both). 

Seriously, they fuck you around on purpose to try and get you to reject offers. 

2 minutes before my block ended tonight, I was traveling south on Hagadorn between Mt. Hope and Bennent roads when they sent me an offer for Wendy's on Marsh road across from the mall to be delivered to Williamston for $10. 

To keep 100% acceptance I had to take it. 

Do the math, if you reject 1 offer you have to deliver 19 of 20 that day to still be at 95%.

You rarely get 20 offers in a day anymore. 

Last week  offers did not even come through to my phone because of the fucked up coverage in Lansing and I still got screwed over on the acceptance rate as they say that I missed them. 

The week before that I had a choice of either waiting in a drive thru line for 15 minutes while the other order that I had already picked up sat in the car or getting rid of the offer when I saw the drive thru line. 

Fuck that. They should have never even gave me the second offer as the first was a long distance delivery. Any extra waiting is unacceptable. 

So I get screwed on my acceptance rate because I actually want to do the job correctly.  

These app delivery companies are total bullshit. All they care about is someone picking up the order and they get their commission from the sale. Anything else and they blame the drivers.

Next week I have a total of about 4 or 5 blocks. I have 5 blocks tomorrow alone.

Anyone in government that is not trying to regulate this industry needs to be voted out of office.

I am getting so fucking sick of this shit hole it is not funny. 

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