Thursday, August 4, 2022

Grubhub is getting reported for their bullshit business practices. The very minute that the top tier is allowed to schedule, I tried to start scheduling for next week. Everything that I normally schedule was already gone.

I tried to set availability and get my schedule set up in advance and they screwed me around.

They are harassing me trying to get me to quit.

Chicago isn't that far you sniveling little punk ass pussy computer programming wienies.

Grubhub is run by the same kind of garbage as Uber. They all need to die.

Amazing how all the fucking piss ant mother fucking piece of shit other drivers here suddenly want the schedule that I normally have. I want them all dead.

Time to have a revolution and put the products back into the hands of the workers and make the programmers the McDonalds type employees. Take the world back from the nerds.

Anyone trying to produce AI deserves the death penalty.

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