Sunday, June 12, 2022

 Can you idiots get it through your heads. I am not going to give up the small amount of time I have to do things that I enjoy to work out.

I hate working out. I despise going to gyms.

I got my exercise from working.

The garbage with the weaponry has made it so that I can not be around anyone at work because they won't leave me the fuck alone.

They constantly attack and torture me. They try to destroy my concentration. 

I would not be able to work as a cook with them constantly putting shit into my head. They purposefully try to make me make mistakes at work to get their jollies and to try and embarrass me.

I told everyone involved in this shit that I did not want this kind of shit and I specifically stated that I do not want the spotlight.

My hatred for all involved in putting me in the spotlight because they want it will never cease. 

All I want to do now is use it to destroy them.

I specifically posted that I am a route driver and not a delivery boy. So you assholes make it so that the only job I can get is as a delivery boy. I want you all dead.

Not a joke, not a game, I hate you all enough to kill every single one of you and it wouldn't bother me a bit. All I need is the proof of your shit and I will walk away scot free due to self defense.

Those that tell people here to hire or not to hire people all need to be exposed and dead would be a good thing.


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