Sunday, August 14, 2022

This morning it has been the line from Patient Number 9 that says "I'm not getting out alive" over and over and over and over and over. 

Typical psychobabble bullshit operation trying to get the target to think that they are not getting out alive by the repetitive attacks. 

Psychobabble bullshit 101.

I do not get song lyrics stuck in my head. Never. Not once since I was a small child. Even then it would have been a cartoon theme song or a commercial jingle. 

That shit stopped sometime in grade school.

See how easy it is to figure out that the garbage tries to manipulate you with song lyrics and "catchy" jingles. 

Religions have been using song lyrics to brainwash people for over a thousand years. Add in the flashing/flickering candle and the entraining organ music.

No one controls my mind but me.

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