Tuesday, August 2, 2022

The nazi pigs with the weaponry constantly use the "you weren't getting laid" bullshit whenever I point out that I was doing just fine until they started their crap.

I was not trying to get laid. I was the one pointing out that I do not have sex with women that I work with or men ever.

The useless idiot pieces of shit in this crap hole couldn't stop meddling in other people's lives. The garbage lowlife sex cults.

The LGBT community here pretty much made an enemy out of me everywhere.

They were the ones spreading shit all over town, not me.

I am not trying to get laid now either. I would rather be dead than ever have sex in this shit hole because of the harassment.

I want is to have a decent job to save money to get out of this asshole of a state.

You fucking pieces of shit from Dayton that were involved have also made an enemy for life.

I already hated religions and will continue to hate them wherever I am.

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