Saturday, July 9, 2022

The first time in the 9 years that I have had my cats one of them pooped on the kitchen rug and peed in the dining room on the linoleum. 

There was poop and pee in the litter box, but not enough to make them go elsewhere. 

Don't put it past the lowlife government garbage to attack and torture your pets causing all kinds of things. 

Goes all the way back to pieces of shit like Jose Delgado experimenting on animals for the CIA. Still continues today with garbage all over the place. Check into White Coat Waste to see some of the animal experimenting labs that they have gotten shut down.

The lowlife pieces of shit with the radiation weaponry are the same kind of people or worse. 

Don't put it past Michigan State University to be involved in animal experimentation either as they are a veterinarian and agriculture/farming school and have a history of working with the CIA. 

I hate this nazi pig bullshit. 

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