Thursday, June 23, 2022

Well once again I get charged with missing and offer that never came through to my phone. It counts against my acceptance rate and affects my ability to schedule blocks.

It should not be legal to do it. 

Today's bullshit supposedly happened while I was stuck at a train on Hagadorn. They resent the same offer 2 minutes later and I accepted it so why the fuck would I have sat there and let the timer run out on it?

I could point it out to Grubhub for years and they still won't do anything about it. 

Doordash sends a message that they tried to send an offer but it did not get through to my phone so they are pausing the app. That is how a legitimate company would do it. 

It seems to happen mostly either around the downtown Lansing area or around the MSU campus/downtown East Lansing area.

My service has went out when driving through construction zones where the workers had radios. 

The Grubhub app is supposed to ring a cowbell noise when there is an offer. That works about half of the time. 

I fucking hate this shit job that they trapped me into. I do not want my own company and never have. I especially do not want the 1099 bullshit.

I would not in any way shape or form want to contract with the fucking government. 

I am not allowed to have a security clearance. If I wanted one I could have appealed my discharge over 35 years ago. 

 Death to Uber/Uber Eats.


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