Monday, March 6, 2023

 Facebook memory from 2 years ago when I still worked for C&JH at FedEx Ground:

On this day
2 years ago
Shared with Public
My morning 6 days a week.
Alarm goes off at 4:20 am.
Get up go into kitchen and turn on coffee pot.
Get clean undies, socks and t-shirt out of closet and put on chair.
Turn on shower and then take a pee.
Take a shower, dry off, brush hair. put on clean stuff pulled out before shower and shorts that I wear around house.
Go to kitchen fill thermos and coffee cup with entire pot of coffee. Start another pot.
Get sandwich ingredients out of refrigerator and make sandwich for lunch. Get out string cheese and grapes for lunch. Put back in refrigerator along with the ingredients.
Pour glass of water and make Muscle milk protein drink. Chug it.
Start making breakfast, 4 scrambled eggs. After plating eggs, feed cats morning wet food.
Eat breakfast in front of computer while getting games set up to run while at work. Take 5 minutes to run through the daily free stuff on another game. Eat breakfast during process.
Take morning medication and vitamin.
Get another cup of coffee when I take plate back into kitchen and have about 5 to 10 minutes of free time.
Put in dentures.
Try to take a crap, works sometimes.
Clean litter box if necessary.
Start getting dressed for work. Put on knee braces. Check weather to see if long johns needed. If so put them on if not straight to putting on my pants.
Put on my shoes/boots.
Get fresh water for the cats.
Pack my lunch, water and Sparkling Ice into cooler I take to work.
Put tape and band aids around fingers to help prevent cracking, Diabetics have dry skin issues.
Put on sweatshirt and uniform shirt.
Load up pants pockets with wallet, keys, etc.
Pour a travel cup of coffee that I keep with me at work and another travel cup to drink on the way to work.
Put on my jacket and start taking stuff out to the porch.
Turn off plant lights and lock door behind me.
Load everything into car and start up.
Scrape windows from frost if necessary. Whole snow removal process and deicer on sidewalk if needed.
Get in car and drive for 20 minutes to get to work.
Get to work and start day by seeing how much of a mess the loaders have going in my truck. Around 6:45 am.
6 fucking days a week.
The earliest I get home is 4 pm on Tuesday. Every other day between 4:30 and sometimes as late as 6pm.
6 days sucks.
The more they keep me on that job the less I want that job.
The money is not worth not being able to take care of what needs done at home. The money is not worth the aggravation of having a fucked up route and driving in the Lansing area.
There is more to life than money.
Work over here ----------------------------------- Life over here.
I do not want to mix the two.
There needs to be a balance.
If you want to work your life away, that is your problem. Personally, I think you are part of the problem that needs to be eradicated.

I go through the job postings every single day and put in applications. 

Because I don't give the companies a tax break to hire me they just bypass me and hire someone less qualified or someone that they think they can trap.

If a job posting says 'fair chance' or just outright if you have a criminal record you are encouraged to apply it is because some piece of shit politicians made it so that those companies get tax breaks for hiring criminals.

This country is an ass backwards shit hole full of morons.

The whole thing just tells people hey go ahead and take a chance for that easy criminal money. If you get busted there will be plenty of jobs when you get out. 

Boon for the criminal organizations. Boon for the corporations. 

I fucking hate all of you.

For the record, it is discrimination to give anyone special privileges like that. 

You discriminate against hard working trying to be honest and make a living people.

I am not perfect, I have had a criminal record for minor offenses. That was over 25 years ago. 

Those offenses will not be repeated, because I now have diabetes and can no longer drink alcohol.

I haven't smoked pot in over 22 years. There is no point since the pin dick cowards with the evoked potential weaponry would just ruin the buzz. It is legal here anyways if I did.

2 DUIs and a possession of 3.44 grams of marijuana. Also a violation of probation because I left Michigan instead of going to AA or jail because I didn't as part of the first DUI.

All have been paid off and my record is clean as a whistle.

Well, 2 speeding tickets. 

Oh is that why these pieces of shit are trying to force me back into driving? Just to try and make it so I get more tickets and can't drive anywhere?

When I find the garbage behind this shit their whole families are going to die.

For the record, that is called self defense and justice.

I will be perfectly honest.

I want to work in a company that has operations in other states.

I want to pay my bills here and save enough to move me and my cats if they are still alive. 

Transferring within a company especially if it is a promotion to get out of Michigan.

I do not like living in Michigan and I never will.

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Consider this scenario. A group of insects scurrying around grabbing whatever they can find to benefit themselves or their offspring. Fighting amongst themselves, even killing others to get the things they are after.

How is that any different than capitalism?

The only difference is that the insects do not have the capability of higher reasoning. Making humans the lower species.

To this day it fucking kills me that Amazon still can't figure out why they can't keep drivers. 

No one wants to be out there delivering when the criminals start coming out. 

Look at the other package delivery services. Not one of them delivers at night.

All the other delivery services start very early in the morning and the drivers are done in the evening at the latest, except for peak season around Christmas time.

I am not going to be walking up to someone's front door at 9 pm or later. There is a difference if they just ordered food and them not expecting a delivery that late. 

Take your next day Prime bullshit and shove it. 

Drivers should pull out no later than 8am. 

I would be very happy with a route delivery job that I could be out by no later than 8 pm and back by 6pm 4 days a week being paid by the hour. I might even feel generous and take a 5th day at time and a half.

Pay me at least 18 and hr and you will have some very happy customers. 

Take the cameras that you have on the drivers and shove them up your asses as well. The cameras should be aimed out the front window to cover the driver in case of an accident. Dickheads.

Yes, drivers do cuss out morons. As long as the driver keeps inside the vehicle and doesn't take it out on the customers WAAAAAAAAH.  Pussies.

(If you can't handle strong language then you shouldn't work in a warehouse or on the docks either).

In the case where I got done in 8 hours, DO NOT KEEP ADDING SHIT TO MY ROUTE, simply put me on 5 8 hour days. 

The adding shit is why drivers eventually just say fuck it and quit. 

The whole contractor bunch of bullshit should be done away with.

Notice how FedEx Ground with contractors is always looking for drivers and FedEx Express without contractors is rarely looking for drivers. Golly gee Batman I wonder why?

Notice how hard it is to get into UPS without contractors? They have a real union.

Stop the bullshit and pay the drivers and you might have a lot more wanting to stay.

Every time I get a rejection letter from a company, the assholes with the weaponry start in with their "should have kept that job" about Meijer warehouse. 

That job was literally killing me. I almost blacked out twice from the physical exertion making my blood sugar too low. 

I am on medication to help keep my blood sugar down. I can not keep going when it gets to low.

The pieces of shit with the weaponry and the asshole garbage that destroyed my life know that.

They keep putting me in jobs that will end up screwing me over as that is all that they care about.

They all need to be exposed and done away with.

It wasn't enough for these pieces of shit to fuck up my life once, they have kept doing everything that they can over and over and over for the past 23 years. I want them all dead.

I want everything that they are a part of destroyed. Including their fucking religions.

What the fuck did I do to them int the first place?

Because I didn't want to have sex with their offerings?

Anyone that these pieces of shit can offer isn't worth having.

Why didn't they just buy me an escort if they were that worried about me having sex? WTF????

How is it any of their fucking business either way?

I am not doing anything illegal and I am not hurting anyone by saying NO. They are the garbage that can't handle the word.

Contrary to the movie, I can refuse any offer.

I want it spread all over the world what kind of people live in this area. 

Those that don't do the bullshit need to clean it up.

I have type 2 diabetes. I have to keep my blood sugar on the most even level as possible. Not too high and not too low. 

Moderate exercise and proper diet. 

Again, the assholes with the weaponry and their minions already know that. So why do you think the only jobs I get offered that will pay the bills are either no exercise or too much exercise?

I have experience. Most of my expertise in one of the following areas, but not limited to them:

1. Driving

2. Restaurant

3. Warehouse

4. Retail

5. Cleaning - because you do it in the above.

I have management experience in every one of them. 

I am not ambitious. 

Examples - If I had a Chip/bread/pop/beer route with set customers I would just stay there as that is a good job. I don't want to get out of it to move up in the company. 

If I had an UPS route, I would just stay there and retire as a driver. I do not want to work at corporate.

If I managed a retail store, I would probably just stay there, however there is room to go to a busier store with more pay. Not particularly interested in anything above an area/district type position.

If I managed a warehouse, I don't want to keep moving up. 

I am 57 years old. I hate backstabbing weasels. I want nothing to do with corporate ladders. 

I didn't want that shit when I was younger.

Now the assholes with the weaponry use "Women want....." bullshit. Then get off your lazy ass and get it yourself.

I don't play the corporate games. I could work at McDonald's and still eat at Burger King. I could work at UPS and still order from chewy which only uses FedEx Ground.

Personally, I wish that there were no businesses and everything was just done as part of what needs to be done.

Why have competition? What are you trying to prove? Why do you need to try and prove it?

I didn't need to try and prove that I could do the job at Meijer warehouse. I took the job because they were the first to offer and I wanted a more secure income than relying on tips and deliveries doing the gig work. 

My mother had just died and I was worried about keeping the house running for myself and my cats.

Her income wasn't much, but it definitely hurt to lose $1300 a month from the household.

I didn't want to be stuck in a job that if my car broke down I would have no income at all.

I met the productivity standards at Meijer. I exceeded them. I can not do that for extra hours every fucking day. Not even for a week. I can pass out or go into insulin shock if my blood sugar gets too low. 

Instead of wanting someone that exceeded their productivity standards for 8 hours, they would rather be dicks. That building, DC 85 sucks. 

I also do not like being trapped in a job that I have to listen to shit music blaring and their is no where to get away from it. When I started I could go to the meat area and get away from the music when they got the orders ready.

All of the sudden they decided to say 1st shift can't pick meat anymore. 

Management in that warehouse should be taken out into a field and shot. All of them for good measure.

They did everything that they could to get me to quit. They are a cabal of harassing assholes. Just what Meijer culture is all about.

It is funny how a lot of companies push teamwork only to turn around and make it more of an every employee for themselves workplace. The teamwork in those companies is get you to do as much as you can and then try to tell you you aren't a team player when you refuse to do the work of 2 people.

When I find out who made it so that I can't make a living without subjugating myself to the crap I am going to exterminate your families.

Fuck all the ass kissing bullshit.

What matters most to me: My 3 kids

One with my size 14 foot next to the big kid:

Saturday, March 4, 2023

 Since I am putting in applications again, I get to have 100 background checks run on me. They all come back clear. Here is the result part of one from the third:

When I went to work for GRBS cleaning Dewitt High School I passed an FBI fingerprint background check.

Gonna stay that way if I can help it. Although in this ass backwards country I would probably get hired quicker if I was a convicted felon and the company got a tax break for hiring me.

 The assholes with the weaponry have been for the last 20 years using the "Move, move, move" type shit.

"You have to move first". "They are going to make you move". And so on and so on and so on

They know that I can not do that.

Why would I want to give up my cats and all my possessions? To do what? Go somewhere else and be homeless? That would be fucking stupid.

I need a job that I can do physically that pays the bills.

Now they start in with the "You'll get a fat one" bullshit.

No I won't, I would rather be by myself.

When a country gets to the point that working people can not choose to be by themselves and support themselves then that country need to have a revolution to overthrow those making it that way.


Friday, March 3, 2023

 I want to clarify to employers out there. 


 Does anyone else want to strangle the moron psychobabble twits that come up with these idiotic tests on job applications?

I just took one by a company call INFOR that was so fucking stupid it isn't funny. 

The questions they ask are so vague and dependent upon various situations that it makes absolutely no fucking sense.

I expect to make friends at work. Strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree. There were 2 more options one at either side of neutral. 

WTF??? What if your job is late night security when no one else is around? Do you expect to make friends?

What a crock of shit that test is.

Then they just rephrase the same fucking questions over and over again. They try to trick you with occasionally changing the ,meaning to the opposite of what has been asked 3 times already.

I enjoy taking risks at work. WTF??? Well then go replace that light bulb while standing on the top of the ladder. Moron. Why not mix the bleach and ammonia and take a risk?

Do you see how fucking stupid this test is? 

It says at the beginning to find out your behavioral DNA. 


Infor should be put out of business.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

I have excellent Customer Service skills. 

I am even better at being the person behind the scenes stocking and maintaining a backroom. 

Sales people are talky talks. I can.

Making sure that the product is there to sell and looks good I am even better at.

I was doing night stock when we actually had to use a box cutter to make displays. We actually had to use price guns to price every single unit that we put on the shelves and even the ones that went to back stock.

We had to face every item in our aisles. Not just single face but double or triple face. If you had a brain you learned how to stock the shelves from the front.

The pallets of product came off the truck and we had to break them down and sort them ourselves before we started stocking. 

This candy ass shit they have now-a-days is a joke.

The government also needs to check into the delay system at Meijer warehouse DC 85 in particular. 

I used to pass most people on the floor doing the selection job. I was over their 95% productivity.

I can see what each order was done at when I scanned the next order. I entered the delays that I was supposedly allowed to make.

There needs to be an investigation into whether or not the supervisors and management are giving people that pick way under the productivity standards unfair delays to make it look like they are at 95%.

There also needs to be an investigation into favoritism on the job in giving selectors orders that allow them to get a higher case count.

That warehouse is as corrupt as the worst politicians in this area. 

Send in the undercover people with cameras.

 There are a few things in a job description that will make me wonder why it is in there and make me just want to say, not gonna happen.

This is one of them:

Must be able to work nights and weekends, variable schedule(s) and overtime as necessary.

No one wants to have their schedule jump around to various shifts. People need to have a sleep routine. 

I can't file a complaint about Meijer not giving me a place to store my diabetic testing equipment with the EEOC because their only office is in Detroit. 

What am I supposed to do use up what little money that I have for gas to get to Detroit and back?

This country is fucking bullshit.

Death to the corporate protecting bureaucracy.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Because of the weaponry and the gossip the whole area knows that I do not want to drive my own car for work. If I am forced back into doing that then it is pretty much proof of the harassment of this shit hole.

I can not do what I used to be able to do physically. I have been attacked and tortured with radiation weaponry for 23 years. I took 15 years out of the workforce to get away from the idiotic bullshit in this town. Only to go back and the shit is worse.

I just spent a year and a half sitting on my ass in my car for 11 or 12 hours a day to make money. 

I am 57 years old and have type 2 diabetes. There is no getting back to the shape I was in. Check a book both age and diabetes make it harder to build muscle mass. 

If I took steroids I still would not be able to build as much muscle as someone without diabetes and that was younger.

All I can do is keep what I have and lose as much fat as possible. 

I do not want the extreme physical labor jobs anymore. I have done my fair share of them in my life. It is someone else's turn.

It wasn't just the hours at Meijer warehouse. It was the hours combined with the extreme exercise. Fuck that shit.

I am willing to go into entry level management. I have the experience. I just need to get used to doing it on a computer instead of paperwork. 

I am willing to do jobs that require a little of both, physical and mental labor.

I have an IQ over 130, I learn quickly.



 And once again from 2 years ago:


It fucking sucks. I am not even going to have time for a garden this year because of this fucking bullshit job.
FedEx sends the terminal workers home at 40 hours because they don't want to pay them overtime. They do not give a shit if it means the drivers have to wait longer for dispatch and then spend more time delivering.
The drivers do not get overtime at FedEx Ground.
Why the fuck do I end up delivering FedEx Express packages???
FedEx trying to get out of more overtime??
The garbage running FedEx are a prime example of why there needs to be a revolution ending capitalism once and for always.

Again from 2 years ago:


Death to the stock market.
The stock market is rigged.
Stock value is why the garbage running the companies keep trying to increase profits.
Because of stocks it isn't about having a profitable company. It only matters that you keep increasing profits.
If a company makes 10 million in profit for 10 years in a row it is listed as a bad investment because the stock value is not increasing with increased profits.
If a company makes 10 million one year and 9.5 million the next year the asshole investment advisors say that the company lost money.
How the fuck did it lose money when it still made 9.5 million in profits?
Death to Wall Street and everything to do with it.

 Facebook memory from 2 years ago:

On this day
2 years ago
Shared with Public
I see posts on here from Robert Reich and others pointing out the ridiculous profits some have made off the pandemic situation.
Here is a scenario about that..
Nestle/Purina decides to send all of its products to Chewy reducing its transportation/distribution costs.
Chewy contracts with FedEx Ground to deliver all of its products, so it has minimal transportation/distribution costs.
FedEx Ground uses contractors who do not pay overtime to the drivers. More freight just means more profits for those contractors and nothing but longer hours for the drivers.
People can't just go to the stores to buy the products because the stores are empty.
The retail stores will cut workers or close down entirely.
Are any of the employees at the 3 colluding companies getting paid union wages with benefits?
I am not a fan of capitalism in any form. E-commerce is even worse than brick and mortar retail.
Death to Wall Street and the entire stock bunch of bullshit.

 The more I think about it as the assholes with the weaponry keep reminding me, I have some questons.

Why have a case count at Meijer warehouse? All it does is let the fastest pickers leave early and keep the slower pickers for overtime.

Sounds a lot bass ackwards to me.

They could still pay more for so many cases over, but letting them leave early is just moronic.

I hate it when morons run companies. 


A well run company with productivity standards that are reasonable should have enough employees to do 8 hour shifts with smooth shift changes and the work just continues and gets done. The company needs to maintain the equipment and the facility.

If the work doesn't get done with enough employees then either the employees need to be replaced or the company needs another facility. 

That is business 101.

Those running companies may consider that a wake up (bitch) slap.

For maybe the next class, Meijer would need a lot less management and have more people working if they got rid of the stupid fucking stickers and went with modern headsets. Not to mention all the trees they would save. Solar panels on the roofs of their warehouse would also look good and save some money. They use a shit ton of electricity charging all the forklifts and tuggers. 

(I can do the selector job for 8 hours a day, the overtime is just not doable with my diabetes and age combined) hire me Aldi.

A smooth running facility can pay employees more per hour and do away with the overtime. Happier employees that want to work there. Free lunches don't cut it. If the company has the money for that then they could be paying everyone more and working them less hours. 

Just so everyone knows, Meijer is NOT a green company. They even just switched from using  recyclable corrugated packaging on the sour cream to plastic wrap. 

Half or more of the juices and creamers from Meijer brand to CoffeMate to Tropicana all use plastic to wrap the case product instead of corrugated.

If you do not know what corrugated is, you probably call it cardboard. It you look at the edge and it has air pockets and a wavy piece running through it then it is corrugated and not cardboard.

Make corrugated from Bamboo. 

WTF is wrong with the US companies?

Must just be geared for short term profits instead of long term sustainability.

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

The assholes with the weaponry are at it again so I will reiterate:

If I wanted to be a criminal why the fuck would I have left Dayton in the first place?

I moved here because I didn't want to be a criminal, anywhere.

I did not spread rumors about who I supposedly knew or who I was supposely connected to. 

The fucking idiot brigade here did that. I want every fucking one of them silenced permanently.

The nazi cunts just tried their bullshit again with one image motioning to another image and using the words " O.K. He' out of it". I was never in it you fucking pieces of ignorant lowlife shit. 

When I find the motherfucking piece of shit that got this crap used on me I am going to slaughter their whole fucking family.

I have been getting tortured since the end of 19fucking99. Because of the idiots in this fucking shit hole.

If I had the money to get my stuff and my cats out of here safely and a job and home somewhere else I would have left the day after my mother died.

I hate living here. 

You fucking snide little bitches won't leave me alone to work and save enough money to leave. I want everyone involved in that dead.

I will not be homeless. I will kill until the corrupt cops here kill me.

Anyone that wants this fucking bullshit weaponry hooked to me or anyone else deserves to die.

I did nothing but move here and try and get my feet under me. But the useless sack of shit LGBT community couldn't stop pushing their sex, sex, sex crap. 

I would exterminate all of you worldwide right now if I could because of the shit here.

Yes, that would be the ecstasy head worthless garbage from the Travelers Club and all their friends.

They spread shit about me all over this fucking town and I hate them for it.

They are also a large part of the piece of shit PC crowd that fucks you over and then when you get pissed tries to act like they are the victim. The world would be abetter place without everyone like that.

I want a fucking job that won't literally kill me physically. I want to pay my bills and when I get enough money saved up to get my cats and my belongings out of this fucking state I will be gone. 

Now the cunts with the weaponry use the "Why don't you ask your rich friends to borrow the money"? bullshit.

I made a comment that was a rant agreeing with the piece of shit lowlife across the table from me talking about how the bar was getting run down and he was going to have to tell Steve (Fata)  to spend some money in there. I stated "I should ask my rich friends to loan me the money to buy him out of here".

I wasn't going to ask anyone for anything. Again if I was going to do that I would have done it before I moved to this psycho shit hole.

Whatever that asshole twisted my words into I don't know, but I am willing to bet that the world would be better without him.

Don't tell me he didn't say something to someone, because weeks later some old piece of shit in the Mayfair came up to me and asked me how much I though that the Mayfair was worth. The Mayfair is a dump little shit hole that I wouldn't want to own, not just because of the bar, but also because of the slime that goes in there.

Expose this weapon system and destroy it and everyone that uses, produces, funds or covers up for it.

It is a torture device. 

For the record, fuck the pin dick asshole that was talking to John the manager at Colony hardware and looked at me and said "It only works if you are religious".

I am not religious and I never will be. I fucking hate religion. Nothing has destroyed more minds or had more atrocities committed in its various names than religions have.

All religions should be exterminated. They are mythology. 

This isn't some supernatural bullshit attacking and torturing me it is human scum with technology.

That same human scum tries to protect the bullshit called religion so they can use it to control others. 

That human scum violates the human rights of those fighting against the religious mind control.

Someone please tell me what the fuck I supposedly did to deserve being tortured for over 20 years?

The nazi cunts just used "You won't change." 

Why exactly would I want to and who the fuck do you think you are to tell me to change when you hide behind weaponry like a chicken shit little coward to attack and torture people? Sounds more like you are the one that needs to change.

Come on Mr/Mrs Big Shot. Who exactly do you think you are?

I am not one of your cult followers and I never will be. So fuck off and leave me alone.

I do my job. All I ask is that someone let me, pay me and let me go home. I keep my job and my life separate. 

I am trying to support myself and my cats. This town keeps putting me into shit that they know I do not want. Then they purposefully try to fuck me out of it and act like I am the bad guy.

Yeah, I want everyone doing that dead. Why wouldn't I?

I do not want to be part of anything here. I am fine being alone, I am not a pathetic turd that can't be alone for 5 minutes without curling up into the fetal position.

I have plenty to do around my trailer to keep me busy.

Because of the sexual harassment of this town, I will not have sex here ever. I fucking hate everyone involved in that bullshit harassment.

The assholes with the weaponry would just ruin it like they ruin everything else anyways so there is no point in giving them their jollies.

If I think a female is attractive, so fucking what. Take it as a compliment and go on with your day. 

Because of the bullshit here I am done with having anything to do with anyone outside of professional interactions on my job.

Shove you small town feel up your asses and die with it.

Whoever keeps spreading the shit, I catch you you will stop permanently. 

Gossip is for extroverts. Most introverts do not like it at all. Gossiping about someone puts them into the spotlight. I flat out told people at Walters Vending when this shit got out of hand that "I do not like the spotlight".

Gee, I wonder why I find extroverts extremely annoying. Talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk.........

The fucking assholes with the weaponry get you stupid fucks here to do the exact opposite of what I point out or anything that I want. They are trying to get me to hit, or kill someone so they can put me in jail and destroy my life even more.

You fucking idiots are helping them. If you want to know something about me then fucking ask me assholes. You play along with the rumors and you deserve the consequences.

Now the assholes use one image pointing at another image and the words "That one does it right there that one".

Gee yesterday it was the other way around with the images. Last week it was different images or at least one different image.

The use images from that they recorded from me seeing people or that they correlated from me thinking of people.

As I have told them 1000s of times, "Why would I believe someone attacking me putting images and word into my head?"

Anyone that would try to communicate with me through this weaponry is someone that I would want dead for using the weaponry instead of exposing it.

The remote neural monitoring alone is enough reason to kill everyone involved at their end of this shit.

Quit fucking with me. I am actually one of the good guys.

The people with the weaponry are the bad guys. It is not cool to be a bad guy.

Good people do not brainwash others into cults to control them.

All religions are cults.

Help me expose and destroy the weaponry. Think it through. Your brain will not interpret my brain's evoked potential patterns. Mine will not interpret your. That is true for everyone. Mind reading with technology is impossible.

So if you think that you hear someone else's thoughts, you are being attacked by technology that has already correlated your evoked potential patterns and know everything that you see and hear and think.

You are seriously fucked up if you are o.k. with that.








I will try to make this as clear as possible.

I am not going to get married. I am not going to be in a relationship. 

This whole destruction of my life started because of busybody ignorant turds that kept trying to push their sex, sex, sex crap. 

I hate them all and want them all exterminated.

Stay the fuck out of my personal life if you are not a part of it.

Die matchmaker scum, die.

Since the garbage at DC 85 terminated my employment, I have been putting in applications everywhere I can that has a job that would pay my bills.

So far I have been turned down by AWH logistics, Target and Walmart. All are positions that I am qualified for and that I could do easily. 

Someone blacklisted me and when I find out who I am going to go after their entire family.

Why, because I am not a money grubbing weasel sack of crap?

Why, because I am not trying to get way more than I need while others can't pay their bills?

I can work overtime. I just can't do extreme physical labor for that many hours.

Meijer warehouse is the same shit as FedEx Ground was. Push, push, push until my body can't take it anymore.

It has been 4 days since I worked at Meijer and my body still hurts in places. I have diabetes. Diabetes makes healing take longer. I am 57 years old. Age makes producing or building muscle take longer or just makes it so your body won't do it anymore.

 That is all.

I have never been tested below 130 for an IQ. If I was an idiot the assholes with the weaponry would have succeeded a long time ago. 

They make people around me do things. They just attack, torture and piss me off immensely.

Their weaponry also takes its toll on my body.

How many mistakes did I make selecting products at Meijer? That is with coward nazi scum attacking me constantly putting shit into my brain trying to distract me.

That is with shit music blaring.

I tried to stay away from people at Meijer. They forced me to be in the same proximity as as many others as they could. 


You can not change an introvert into an extrovert and your deserve a beating for trying. 

I can get along with co-workers just fine. I can teach or coach people if that is my job. I have lots of experience. None of that makes them my friend or makes me want to invite them over for coffee.

I do not drink alcohol anymore. I am diabetic, alcohol is a major no-no.

I do not smoke pot anymore. Someone pissing you off when you are high ruins the buzz. I am constantly pissed off at the lowlife scum with the evoked potential and other radiation weapons. No point in trying to enjoy a buzz.

They are probably cocaine head garbage and I specifically said that I did not want anything to do with that shit. Anyone that does cocaine is someone that the world would be a better place without.

I am not a member of any criminal organization and I never will be.

These assholes running these companies and their psychobabble pieces of shit with the moronic psyche tests that have been proven to be bullshit are destroying this country. 

They don't want honest hard working people. They want conniving weasels like themselves that can only think about money, money, money.

Sunday, February 26, 2023

The assholes with the weaponry just used "You should have kept your mouth shut" on me about the Meijer job.

So I should have not spoken out about the unsafe working conditions of the warehouse and kept my mouth shut about possibly passing out and either injuring or killing myself and others because of idiotic mandatory overtime being applied to a person with a disability, diabetes, and giving that person no way to store equipment to check their blood sugar levels?

For a company that pushes 200% accountability for safety, that is complete hypocrisy.

Apparently the 200% doesn't apply to those that are supposed to clean up the spills or those that should be putting the pallets into the racking system correctly. 

They do allow for a 3 minute delay on each pick with approval to run around into the next aisle and push the pallet forward to pick from it. If you can get the pallet to move as the rollers are fucked up half the time you would still need to do it about 50 times per pick depending on which aisles you were in (about 10 to 15 times in the juice aisles). 

Another added danger in that shit hole. You are given the same amount of time to pick case whether the case is at the front of the front pallet or you have to climb through the rack system to get to the second pallet of product. With 50 to 100 products at the second pallet you have to hurry even more stepping into the racking making it more dangerous.

All because of idiotic productivity standards applied in an antiquated warehouse with too many products for its size. 

Meijer should be forced to shut down DC 85 until they can either reduce the number of products, reduce the number of cases daily, replace the racking system or just tear it down and build a modern warehouse with sensible racks.

Someone needs to get rid of those stupid fucking stickers and use headsets.

The Karen bitch in the office wouldn't have much of a job without the stickers.

I might get into trouble for posting this, but it is an example of just how fucking stupid psychobabble bullshit tests on job application can be.

Why in the fuck would it matter what background your co-workers have? you are at work. The only thing that should matter is what training that they have had. 



 I fucking hate psychobabble bullshit.

At Meijer before they fired me I passed the janitor/porter on the way to the restroom. As I went into the restroom I told the trainer that that was the porter.

The trainer said he didn't say anything, he don't care.

I said oh it must have been the old hag from the office that was out there and he said She cares.

It isn't about caring it is about being a busybody 'Karen' bitch.

I want that piece of shit and her whole family destroyed.

Call someone a fatass inbred redneck and they don't care, but some useless ignorant cunt overhears and gets offended and now I might lose my home, my car and my cats?

I want that cunt dead.

Death to the PC cuntville.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

 For all the ignorant people that have no clue what diabetics go through here is a picture once again of the symptoms of low blood sugar. 

Notice the causes. Notice that it can lead to insulin shock and can also lead to a stroke. 

Like I trried to explain to the morons when I worked at FedEx Ground as a driver for assholes C&JH, 

Once your diabetes is under control with diet, exercise and medication you still can't let it drop too low. 

You also can not eat crap that raises it very high so that you can work extra. That will cause you to end up on insulin.

So to all of you out there, Diabetes is listed as a disability. Both type 1 and type 2. 

It is your responsibility to know the symptoms and to tell those in charge that the person is a diabetic and may need to stop and check their blood sugar.

No fucking job is worth passing out and getting injured because some sack of crap is trying to work you to death.

And notice the irritability part of the symptoms. best to not egg them on or you may get a response that you don't like. It may even offend some butt hurt piece of shit.

It is also the responsibility of the employer to provide a place to keep blood sugar testing equipment.

I never even got a locker so I could wear a coat to work and hang it up in that sorry ass shit hole. Let alone anywhere to store a glucose monitor. 

There use to be a drawer in the break room at Aldi's warehouse that was labeled as one of the employees diabetic equipment/supplies.

Meijer warehouse is a fucking joke. At the Meijer store where I once worked I could literally go to the Pharmacy if I was feeling like I needed to check my blood sugar. 

I hate every last piece of shit in this town that keeps trapping me in these bullshit jobs that are not suited for a diabetic. 

It sure seems like this town is trying to kill me.

If I get proof on who would be behind something like that, I am coming right at you and one of us is dying.

Seriously, the Meijer job was worse than the FedEx Ground job. Both sucked because they kept trying to make me work more than 8 hours. 

They are too fucking much exercise for a diabetic to do that.

Making it even worse is the anger caused by the punk ass little bitches behind the weaponry.

The garbage needs to be taken out.

For the record when I was trying to do my job a Meijer warehouse I said several times, "Get me out of this job". I was talking to the assholes at the other end of the weaponry. 

I needed a paycheck until I found something else. 

I fucking hate the pieces of shit with the weaponry.

What I needed was about 2 more months of paychecks from there and I could have the car paid off and need $250 less a month.

Now I am pretty much screwed unless I can find something that pays at least $18 and hour for 40 hours a week. 

I do not want a family at work. 

Why the fuck can't these assholes leave me alone so I can make a living?

Death to AI and everyone involved in this shit. 

Now the assholes are using their "You had to be a big shot" song lyric bullshit. how the fuck did I try to be a big shot? 

You assholes were the ones spreading the rumors. I told you to stop. I told you that I did not like the spotlight.

That is the fucking opposite of trying to be a big shot.

All I did was do my job very well. Then live my life the way I wanted to outside of work. WTF????

At least when I started making enough money to. I wasn't looking for anyone then and I am not looking for anyone now. I don't play that shit.

If it happens it happens if not I just do not care.

Someone expose this fucking weaponry so I can get on with my fucking life.

I fucking hate this shit.

Another memory from Facebook that I can't share there because they set me up to share a memory and then said that the memory violated their terms of service and banned me for 30 days. 

On this day
1 year ago
Shared with Public
Home early. Didn't make much of shit.
Not worth it to put up with the traffic on a Friday night.
Couldn't make anything this morning due to Doordash offers being so low.
Most likely will miss Top Dasher for next month because I am not out there to make 10 dollars a fucking hour because of 2,3 or 4 dollar fucking orders.
The Uber morning orders that I used to get are gone wither because someone is sitting at the merchant or they keep sending me across town or away from the area I start in.
To make any money I now have to stay out there until almost 7 pm.
I get out there between 6:30 and 7 am. I used to go home at 5 or before with the money I wanted to make.
Once again due to the gossiping assholes and the lowlife pieces of shit with the weaponry when I get something going someone else tries to take it away.
I hate the whole gig bunch of bullshit and would wipe it off the face of the earth if I could.
Unfortunately, I am stuck doing it because of the assholes running things here and the sniveling little hand holding worthless [pieces of shit in the workplaces.
Thanks asshole, moron CEOs that push that bring your friend to work bullshit. You all deserve a sound ass kicking.
just remember, the longer I have to stay here to get enough money to move safely, the more I will hate everyone.
My mother has about 3 or 4 year left on her pacemaker if she makes it that long.
I am trying to make her last years at least a little more comfortable.
I have to do things around the house as well.
As I have been saying for over 20 years now, I am not even looking for a relationship and never will be with this weaponry hooked to me.
I try to be polite and courteous. That is me being me. Nothing else.
I am sick of being fucked with and truly want to dismember anyone doing it.

If anyone wonders how Meijer gets away with their shit, it is because Meijer is the richest guy in the state and all the politicians suck his dick.

Anyone at Meijer that doesn't like the way they are and doesn't want to work 12 hour shifts should call in if it doesn't give them too many points next Wednesday. March 1st

Call it Dairy flu. 

Maybe the union will get the message and start fighting for you instead of selling you out.

The number one reason that they tried to get rid of me and set me up in that inbred infested shit hole is that I didn't want to work 12 hour shifts. 

Every redneck in that place wants to clock milk it for 4 hours overtime every day. Almost all of them are on forklifts.

Few if any selectors want to pick for 12 hours. 

I even had one of the forklift rednecks sit in the next aisle and look at me and say take away our 12 hours and say we're cool. He was talking about me.

Listen up inbreds, I said that I didn't want to work overtime. I don't give a flying fuck if you move a cot in and sleep there.

Kirk, the guy that fired me, is a redneck.

Why wasn't the first shift manager or the head of the warehouse the one firing me?

I should have run over Kirk when he walked out in front of me instead of slamming on my brakes.

As a selector, I can tell you flat out that instead of pushing forward pallets there are certain forklift drivers in their that sit around and talk in groups of two or three.

Gee wonder why there are so many outs?

Outs have to be picked again later adding more time.

That warehouse needs to be restaffed. I can point out the ones that work and the ones that talk.

Fuck the union if they protect the ones that fuck around.

Unions were formed to protect the workers, not the clock milkers.

If the union works for the workers the company makes more money and the workers can make more money. There is more leeway to bargain for things, because the work gets done when it should. 

I am not sure if I posted about this or not. 

The play radio in the Meijer warehouse. Pop, New rock or country. Never any classic rock stations. anyways while they were playing a pop station an ad for Kroger came on the radio.

I laughed pretty hard and sang out loud "Let's go Krogering. For the best of everything".

About an hour later the Kroger as came on again and one of the people with the walkie talkies connected to the speaker system just held in their button so the commercial couldn't be heard. 

Naturally, I sang the jingle again.

That is literally how petty and cult minded the shit in that warehouse is.

A little more on the Meijer bullshit called case count.

The whole thing is a scam to try and get people to pick faster while still making them stay for the overtime because they can't keep help in that shit hole.

They say that if you pick at 95% productivity for 8 hours you should make case count. 

That will only happen if you get hour long yogurt picks without aisle 37 added to them at 300 cases each.

8 hours - 2400 cases. 

I had 100% productivity for the week last week and never once made case count.

Those 300 piece yogurt picks are about 25 pages give or take a page or two. There are 16 stickers per page, but not all are pick items. Some say which aisle to move to and some say end of cube 1, which means that everything to that point should have been on one pallet. If you turn around and look you just shake your head because they are insane. Some say end of cube two. there is one that says end of pick and 8 that have a store number to put on each side of each pallet after you shrink wrap them.

For the record, stickering takes as long as pulling the cases when the stickers don't come off the page right.

When that happens you have to move even faster. 

There antiquated system is a fucking joke. 

Think about it, they actually pay people to sort through and separate the picks and restack then for the selectors to grab. 

They waste so much money on paper it is stupid. 

Their warehouse set-up is completely inefficient. 

If they had stock they would get investigated for not making their investors as much money as they could because they are idiots. 

Sea hag is one of those office people that monitor everyone's movement. 

I always tried to get a tugger with the electronic system that worked because it has a clock and I needed to know when it was time to eat. I tried to manage my blood sugar as best as I could. 

How it works is if whoever is sitting at the window likes you they will let you grab whatever order or orders that you want to grab. 

I started going to get my tugger ready before I even clocked in so that I could get to the window, grab an order and beat the pile up to wherever that order went.

So naturally the juice aisles started being on top, at least when sea hag was at the window. She likes the crazy lady picker. I don't dislike the crazy lady picker, I just shake my head at how fucking fast she is.

At 2 12 page juice aisle orders you have the time taking them to the dock they go to and going back to the office to get another pick. that takes twice the drop off and get next pick time as one 24 page yogurt order.

Those are minutes that you are not picking and you can not make them up. You can still make the picks at 100% and not have as many cases in the same time frame as juice takes longer because it is heavier and harder to pick.

With headsets you would automatically just get whatever pick was next after you dropped off the one before it. There would be no wasted time putting stupid stickers on every single box. Think about that for that 2700+ case day I had Wednesday.

There would be no stickers on the wrapped pallets either, but you would actually have to clear the docks so that the stores could be put where they go. Another reason to demolish that undersized shit hole called DC 85.

The main drawback for me with a headset would be that I would have to restrain from telling the assholes attacking me to fuck off. 

Meijer is more proof that Michigan is still in the 19th century. 

I knew it would happen eventually. I hated that job, but I needed an income until I found something else. 

Of course the pin dick nazi pigs with the evoked potential weaponry wouldn't stop atacking me as i tried to work.

That is what kind of people hide behind the weaponry. I am trying to do everything the right way. they won't fucking let me.

I will kill them if I find them.

They are nothing but pieces of shit that deserve to die.

They are the fucking criminals not me. They commit crimes against humanity and deserve to die for it.

They are on the same level as Hitler's nazis were.

That is tied for the worst job I have ever had. I just don't see how it could be beaten out for worst. 

One of the ones tied with it would have been unloading the trucks at the Meijer store on S. Pennsylvania here in Lansing when everything was floor freight.  

Meijer is just a shit company.

Wouldn't surprise me if the assholes that run Meijer are in on the cover-up for the scum behind the evoked potential and other radiation weapons here in Michigan.

Every politician on Meijer payroll needs to be removed from office. 

Grand Rapids is known as a religious shit hole. I am an atheist.

Still wondering why the moron outside the Mayfair told me to try West? Maybe he should have asked me what the fuck I said instead of listening to the idiots in that bar.

He did say that the whole area by Lake Lansing was conservative.



Friday, February 24, 2023

 Couple of more pictures. My right leg is normal behind the knee. The left leg has a bump or swelling behind the knee from getting off the tugger while it is still moving repeatedly so that i could meet productivity standards. something else that they say you are not supposed to do, but then make it so you have to or get fired for not meeting productivity.

Meijer is a shit company and DC 85 is the worst of the worst. 

I should probably also file a complaint with the Americans with Disabilities Act people against the UFCW for negotiating a contract that allows Meijer to force people with diabetes to work overtime and not have anyway to check their blood sugar levels. 

I am pissed. 

If I lose my trailer and my cats there will not be anything left of me to stop myself against this fucking PC cuntville.



Maybe as a single straight white man that wants to stay a single straight white man I just didn't fit into their PC culture at Meijer.


 This is my left arm from working at Meijer warehouse. I am a diabetic so it takes me longer to heal.

That is what the corrugated and racks will do to your arms. Mt legs have scrapes and bruises as well from the pallets sticking out past the racks.

Don't work there unless you want no life and like to take risks with your health. Even if you can operate your tugger, you are constantly in a situation where the person next to you has to be able to as well or you could be injured or killed.

Meijer DC 85 is a typical Lansing operation where corporate doesn't really check into anything. 

Management forms a cabal covering each other's asses and lying to corporate about the operation. 

Like the cartoon I posted, if you complain management will team up and become the rest of the people in that boat. 

This town is notorious for that.

If you do not conform to being part of their hand holding group then the snide bitches will team up and try and fuck you out of a job. That includes not dating women that you work with.

I do not date men ever. I have to clarify that in tinkerbellville here.

Corporate offices have become so lazy and delicate that they do not want to check and they can't handle it if something is wrong. 

The above is pretty much what small town feel means. 


 If you want a worker for 8 hours a day 40 hours a week with minimal overtime, hire me. If you pay enough for me to pay my bills with at least $18/Hr. 

If you want an ass kissing wienie or someone that wants to have work as their life then DO NOT hire me.

I am an exceptional route driver. 

I prefer a job where my work is mine and my time depends on when I get done with my work and not one where my time depends on everyone else getting their work done.

Clock milkers piss me off when it affects my leaving time.

 Before any of you morons say that all of them are filthy like Meijer. 

Wrong answer asshole. I did the cleaning crew at Aldi and that place was extremely clean.

 Here is what I just sent to MIOSHA:

Basically the whole warehouse is a hazard. They tell the selectors not to go into the racking system to pick product, but if you do not climb into it 100s of times a day you will get fired. There is spillage of products from liquids to cheeses to meat all over the warehouse. Those spills stay there for days in the aisles sometimes and from the smell have been under the racks for awhile. Especially in aisles 21 and 22 the juice and milk room. The racking system is broken in a lot of places and sometimes all the do is cordone off the bay with yellow tape so the forklift drivers do not put product in them. There are constantly pallets that have broken in the rack and the product is leaning precariously and could fall on a selector. They say that they provide hooks to pull product located on the second tier of the racks forward, but rarely is there one to be found. That means you literally have to climb up and reach back 4 feet to the back of the pallet to get the product. I am 6'3" tall and have to climb up. The pallets are not secured and move very easily. The forklift drivers and the selectors constantly run over product in the aisles and drag it all over the place. The floors are slippery from that product. I have seen raw chicken broken open and the juice from the packages dragged all over the meat room on the wheels of the tuggers and forklifts. They constantly spill produce and mash it with the wheels dragging it all over the place. Their whole culture is speed, speed, speed and nobody takes health concerns into account. They think that they are untouchable. Look at all the battery connections on the tuggers. There are many with visible wiring. Tuggers are what the selectors drive around the warehouse. Management knows about it, but won't do anything. If you complain they fire you. There are so many safety and health violations in that place that it should be forced to stop operating until they are fixed. Think about it, a selector could take an order to the dock and then drive through spilled chicken blood/juice or some sort of dairy product then drive straight back into produce to do another selection. Next time there is an ecoli or other bacteria outbreak you should look at the distribution warehouses. Take me with you on an inspection, I won't purposefully route you around the problems. I am also going to contact the Americans with Disabilities Act people about that warehouse not providing me with a place to store my blood sugar testing equipment as I am a diabetic.

Imagine that, Meijer pulled their bullshit on me today when it was slow instead of yesterday when there was 3 hours overtime. 

Use you up and spit you out is the Meijer culture. They truly are a garbage company.

Well the PC cunts strike again.

I had some words with one of the Porters as they call them at work. Porter = cleaning crew just the PC bullshit name like Custodial Engineers. 

He started the whole interaction, but I just got fired. He didn't even complain about it as far as I know. It was the seahag witch from the office that happened to be walking by. She is also a fat ass inbred redneck.

A busy body piece of lowlife shit sticking her nose in other people's business. Her nose should be removed from her face.

I have never even gotten a write up at that place. I actually meet their productivity standards. 

Once again though, being a worker isn't enough. You have to be a pussy ass, little bitch, ass-kissing, hand holding piece of worthless shit.

That is what Meijer brand should stand for. 

The union does nothing, but sell out the workers to keep the dues coming in.

They also added in a cartoon that I slipped under management's door. The whole message of the cartoon as I told them is about the fucking garbage screwing me over because I do not socialize at work. 

 I added a comment about how the world would be a better place without the morons in the boat that go off on the person trying to point out the problem.

The problem at DC 85 is Meijer. Their management there are a bunch of wienies in a cabal. Either kiss their asses or get screwed over. 

That warehouse is a death trap. The racking system is improperly secured to the floor in places and the have bent pieces in place with nothing but tape so none of the forklift drivers try to put anything in it. 

The juice room is disgusting. The smell of rotten milk and or creamers is nasty. The started cleaning the actual aisles, but the shit spilled under the racking is still there. It is both a slip and fall hazard as well as a health hazard.

They spill shit all over the place and it stays there for days sometimes. The selectors are pressured to move so fast that they just run over anything in the aisles. From cottage cheese to sour cream to literally shredded cheese in a bag gets squashed and left there.

If you are ever dumb enough to work there take your shoes off before your pets have a chance to lick anything off of them.

The whole place is complete bullshit. they claim a 200% accountability for safety, yet the selectors have to constantly climb into the racking system to pick product. 

A new guy almost fell down in the rack this morning. I am the one that told him to try to never put his foot inside of the crossbar in the middle when climbing into the racks.

They have been looking for any excuse to fire me because I do not want to stay there all night. 

It is a shit hole that only wants people willing to give up their lives so that the shit in Grand Rapids doesn't have to build a good warehouse. 

Every member of that management team in there should be fired. 

Fuck Meijer for having that group of assholes. Their brand should be just that. A shit company.

Even back when I first started one of the managers came up and started talking about all the overtime money. 

There are things more important than money. 

Everything is more important than Meijer DC 85.

I had already passed my 90 days and I was still on next weeks schedule.

Think about it, I picked more cases than most of them there. This week I was averaging 2500 cases a day.

Because of one nosy busybody cunt and sorry ass management now I might get fucked out of everything.

I told you that that place was a model reason for why people shoot up stuff. I wouldn't shoot the workers, but if I had a gun management would need to grow eyes in the backs of their heads.

As it is I can only wish the worst for them. I hope you all die painfully.

And you assholes in Grand Rapids need to suffer the same fate for keeping that shit hole operating like it is. 



They have this thing at work called a case count.

Everyone keeps telling me different things about when you have to make it by to leave. 

The trainer told me that you have to make it by 5pm and take no breaks to get it.

If that is the case then it is discrimination against people with diabetes. I have no choice but to take breaks to keep my blood sugar from being too low. 

I am picking at about 96% this week due to the new bullshit they started or went back to. Last week I was at 100%. I have never made case count that I know of in the time frame alloted.

I got out at 8pm last night due to more bullshit overtime being forced on me. I ended the night with 2446 cases.

I took my lunch, 1/2 hour and two 15 minute breaks. My actually working time was 10 hours. 

9am to 8 pm minus 1 hour for breaks.

That comes out to 244 cases per hour and I did not make case count?

If I make case count and they do not tell me I am going to go off on them, possibly physically.

Someone needs to post the way it is to make case count. 

Fuck all the bullshit rumors.

Case count yesterday was supposedly 1800. 200 cases an hour for 9 hours minus breaks to equal 8 hours is 1600 cases. 

244 cases per hour in 8 hours working time is 2196 cases????????

I have to take breaks, if that is fucking me into having to stay over in that shit hole I am going to contact the Americans with Disabilities Act people. 

Even in Michigan, you have to allow for breaks.

DC 85 is complete bullshit.

Conveniently, the busier it is the higher the case count, so you get fucked into the overtime crap. 

Some dumb ass actually set it up so that the slower you go the more money you can milk out of it through overtime. 

I am definitely going to get the fuck out of warehousing.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

I do not like working at DC 85. The warehouse system there is moronic. Using a Distribution Center as the backroom for stores and having every day deliveries is insane. 

That is why there is nothing on the shelves in certain stores that are very busy. They have no back stock to fill the shelves with. It is in the warehouse.

You can't tell me that it is nobody to work the back stock, because if that was the case the orders wouldn't keep coming in to the warehouse.

The stores should have back rooms/coolers for back stock. The back stock should have build-tos for high selling items so they do not run out of them. 

Even produce should have some back stock. 4 produce trucks a week should be sufficient for even the busiest stores once the build-tos have been established.

Build-tos also make stocking easier as the back stock is always in the same place and just gets worked. 

It is the same principle that convenience and grocery stores use with vendors that deliver directly to them.

If that is the way it is, my mistake. The problem would then be just too many stores out of one distribution center. 

I picked 2732 cases Wednesday. They kept us for 4 hours overtime. I got out 15 minutes before that as they had no small orders left and by contract they can not keep us past 4 hours overtime. 

I am too old for this shit.

The putrid pieces of shit with the weaponry quite often use "Had to find out what you wanted" in reference as to why they hooked me to their weaponry. 

Only a complete moron would fall for that bullshit.

Try asking? 

They hooked the weaponry to me to destroy my life. It is an attack and torture and they know that. 

They deserve to die.

If I get the proof either they will kill me or I will kill them. No exceptions.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

 Well I got off work at 8:49 pm tonight only because they can't keep us for more than 4 hours overtime. 

Apparently they started something new on Monday and I just got to it today.

They are adding aisle 37 to the aisles 35 - 30 yogurt picks. My last pick was 21 pages starting in 37 and ending in 32. 31 and 30 are mostly small items and not easy to keep a flat pallet while stacking. 

Aisle 37 is mostly juice type boxes or creamers. There is a logical reason that aisle 37 was separate from the 35 through 30 aisles. 

If you add aisle 37 in with the others the computer might very well cut the pick off before you get to aisle 30. That leaves another pick of small boxes that are difficult to keep level as you stack them and are not all that sturdy to put another pallet on top of them when they load the trucks. 

You could put that small pallet on top of another pallet, but you need one that can support it and is either level or 4 cornered to support the pallet on top.

Leaving aisle 37 by itself lefty a usually short pallet that was easy to at least 4 corner so they could stack another pallet on top if necessary.

Experienced selectors could sometimes take two picks if both went to the same store and combine them on 2 pallets to save room. 

It isn't smart nor fun to take two picks that turn into 25+ pages and try to put them on 2 pallets. 

It can bite you in the ass if the products are large. 

Leave the sturdier products to be stacked upon. 

Now that that is out of the way, fuck you panic shopping assholes. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

 I do not agree with everything on this site, but it is a decent place for viewpoints differing from the mas media to think about what the mass media is pushing.

Saturday, February 18, 2023

They let me out 1 1/2 hours early today. The work was done and I will gladly take and early day after all the overtime.

I cam home hugged all my kitty cats and relaxed in front of the computer.

I made myself dinner as usual, but actually had time to make a decent meal instead of just a salad.

I had pulled a hamburger out of the freezer this morning to thaw in the frig. 

I made it with some sauteed mushrooms and onions and Swiss cheese on top. I made a can of peas and carrots and some Wisconsin White Cheddar instant mash potatoes. 

Added a little of my less hot pepper blend to the peas and carrots. 

For the record the plate is Corelle. Me and my sister bought it for my mother when we were kids living in Kettering, Ohio. All but 1 large plate has made it this far. It is over 45 years old.

Kind of like me, old but still works well. 

That is my Muscle Milk Pro in the background. One scoop in water every morning before work.

 The assholes with the weaponry just used "They did all that for you" in their attacks.

My reply, "No they did all that to me for themselves".

I hate everyone involved in this shit.

The dumb ass happy zombie drug susceptible to suggestion crowd probably falls for their shit. I am not part of that crowd and never will be.