Monday, March 6, 2023

I go through the job postings every single day and put in applications. 

Because I don't give the companies a tax break to hire me they just bypass me and hire someone less qualified or someone that they think they can trap.

If a job posting says 'fair chance' or just outright if you have a criminal record you are encouraged to apply it is because some piece of shit politicians made it so that those companies get tax breaks for hiring criminals.

This country is an ass backwards shit hole full of morons.

The whole thing just tells people hey go ahead and take a chance for that easy criminal money. If you get busted there will be plenty of jobs when you get out. 

Boon for the criminal organizations. Boon for the corporations. 

I fucking hate all of you.

For the record, it is discrimination to give anyone special privileges like that. 

You discriminate against hard working trying to be honest and make a living people.

I am not perfect, I have had a criminal record for minor offenses. That was over 25 years ago. 

Those offenses will not be repeated, because I now have diabetes and can no longer drink alcohol.

I haven't smoked pot in over 22 years. There is no point since the pin dick cowards with the evoked potential weaponry would just ruin the buzz. It is legal here anyways if I did.

2 DUIs and a possession of 3.44 grams of marijuana. Also a violation of probation because I left Michigan instead of going to AA or jail because I didn't as part of the first DUI.

All have been paid off and my record is clean as a whistle.

Well, 2 speeding tickets. 

Oh is that why these pieces of shit are trying to force me back into driving? Just to try and make it so I get more tickets and can't drive anywhere?

When I find the garbage behind this shit their whole families are going to die.

For the record, that is called self defense and justice.

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