Wednesday, March 1, 2023

 The more I think about it as the assholes with the weaponry keep reminding me, I have some questons.

Why have a case count at Meijer warehouse? All it does is let the fastest pickers leave early and keep the slower pickers for overtime.

Sounds a lot bass ackwards to me.

They could still pay more for so many cases over, but letting them leave early is just moronic.

I hate it when morons run companies. 


A well run company with productivity standards that are reasonable should have enough employees to do 8 hour shifts with smooth shift changes and the work just continues and gets done. The company needs to maintain the equipment and the facility.

If the work doesn't get done with enough employees then either the employees need to be replaced or the company needs another facility. 

That is business 101.

Those running companies may consider that a wake up (bitch) slap.

For maybe the next class, Meijer would need a lot less management and have more people working if they got rid of the stupid fucking stickers and went with modern headsets. Not to mention all the trees they would save. Solar panels on the roofs of their warehouse would also look good and save some money. They use a shit ton of electricity charging all the forklifts and tuggers. 

(I can do the selector job for 8 hours a day, the overtime is just not doable with my diabetes and age combined) hire me Aldi.

A smooth running facility can pay employees more per hour and do away with the overtime. Happier employees that want to work there. Free lunches don't cut it. If the company has the money for that then they could be paying everyone more and working them less hours. 

Just so everyone knows, Meijer is NOT a green company. They even just switched from using  recyclable corrugated packaging on the sour cream to plastic wrap. 

Half or more of the juices and creamers from Meijer brand to CoffeMate to Tropicana all use plastic to wrap the case product instead of corrugated.

If you do not know what corrugated is, you probably call it cardboard. It you look at the edge and it has air pockets and a wavy piece running through it then it is corrugated and not cardboard.

Make corrugated from Bamboo. 

WTF is wrong with the US companies?

Must just be geared for short term profits instead of long term sustainability.

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