Monday, October 25, 2021

I got this email from Uber:


Hi James,

was returned to your balance because of a failed cash out.

Visit the Uber Driver app to ensure your payment profile is valid, then try cashing out again.

You can also view the transaction details and your updated balance, which reflects the amount returned.

Thanks for partnering with us,
The Uber Team


Why the fuck do these idiot companies even have the immediate cash out or cash out whenever you want option? All it does is attract lowlifes.

They need a way to disable the function for those of us that do not want it.

Death to anyone trying to take someone else's pay for working.

Except of course the IRS.

You know what I meant so stop trying to twist around my words you psycho babble assholes.


Friday, October 22, 2021

Funny thing happened on the job today.

As I was going from one stop to another, I went down Stillman road from Okemos road to Dobie road.

I came up behind a new or new er BMW 740i or 750i. It had Dealer plates on it. It is a two lane road so I moved to the other side to pass the BMW.

I sped up and as I was passing the asshole in the BMW sped up to make it so that I couldn't pass him. There was a corner coming up so I had to brake and get back behind the asshole.

I flipped him off and he started speeding away. I sped up since I wanted to go faster anyways.

When Stillman road becomes Dobie road it makes a curve marked as 25mph.

I knew that as I have driven that road many, many times.

Apparently the dumbass in the BMW didn't know it.

Instead of slowing down and even dipping to the other inside lane as you can see around the corner when you get close, he slammed on his brakes and left skid marks for about 15 feet before he let off them and went up and over a dirt mound bounced into the driveway there and either stopped just before hitting the garage there or barely hit it.

I watched as I went around the curve and laughed for the next couple of miles.

Moral of the story:

Stupid people shouldn't drive/buy cars they can't handle and then try to be assholes on back roads that they do not know.


Thursday, October 21, 2021

 Wonderful day at work. (sarcasm)

Started out pretty good then went to complete shit.

I had a block scheduled from 5 pm to 7pm.

I knew where I wanted to be, so of course someone ordered from an area that I did not want to be in just so I would be there at 5 pm. Second fucking time this person has done it.

I am trying to get my percentage up so I can schedule more blocks. There are so few offers that one rejection costs a lot of percentage points. 

Where that delivery was at 5 pm pretty much trapped me in a fast food area and it got worse as the offers went to an even worse part of town for nothing but fast food.

I rejected the first offer going to the worse area, but of course they sent me another one before I could start heading back to where I wanted to work.

If I make myself unavailable for orders they may end the block at a penalty to me. 

Basically they trap you.

I had to reject another offer as I am not going to sit in the drive thru line at fucking Popeye's at 6 pm. Screw you assholes for ordering from there at that time and for taking the delivery from there at that time. Both ends suck.

Thank you Arbys staff for getting me out of there in a quick fashion.

They expected me to sit at Popeyes for 1/2 an hour while the order they added on from Arbys got cold or melted. 

With or without the Arbys order you can shove Popeyes where the sun doesn't shine. 

I got no real orders the entire 2 hour block. Nothing but fucking "fast" food. 

Fuck the asshole that keeps ordering and making me deliver where I do not want to be. I will save my rejections for your orders.

The whole job sucks now because you have no idea how long you will have to wait to pick up the orders. If you take too many orders thinking that you can get them quickly and can't, someone's food is going to be shit unless you unassign something.

I got yelled at by some fat ass on a scooter inside his house. He complained that I got there too fast because he tried to call and add a taco to his order. He literally bitched me out about them wanting to charge him for an extra delivery. He screamed 20 dollars to eat at Taco Bell is total bullshit as I walked away. Fuck you pig.

This job has turned to total shit since so many people started doing it. 

I do want to add thanks to those that are out there working and trying to get the orders out. Your job sucks, been there done that. 

To those that keep bitching about standing around waiting when the place is slammed: You could always learn how to cook and make it yourself. Until then shut the fuck up. If the employees are standing around doing nothing then you have a legitimate gripe. When you can plainly see that they are not either go somewhere else or wait.

Bitch at the garbage not working or the douche-bags that won't pay their employees. 

Go proletariat go.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

I hate having to use 3 different delivery apps.
They all have problems.
Uber is the worst app. If you are not looking at it and an offer comes through, the offer will appear in a small window over top of the other app or whatever you have open. You can not move it, click the app behind it or anything. You can not see if it is multiple orders or where they are going in the small window.
Sometimes the offer will pop open the small window while you were trying to do something in another app and you end up clicking accept on the offer before you get a chance to look at it.
Starbucks is Uber only as far as I know and I decline them whenever I can now. I will also decline any and all Apple deliveries because they require signatures and if the people are not home you have to take the crap back to the Apple store which may take 30 minutes.
Uber is the best company in regards that it supposedly does not count declining or unassigning orders against you. Uber also has no specific pick up or delivery time.
Uber also uses a pain in the ass GPS system that is like having a side seat driver. If you can not plan your route on a map with the destination point marked, you should not be a delivery driver. If you turn the voice off, it comes back on every time you clear the cache.
DoorDash is next. The map with the supposed route would be ok, but they use a black line for the route which makes it very hard to see the name of the road.
The map was sufficient, but they added an Uber like GPS that opens up and tells you how to drive. You have to exit that crap every single frigging time. Again, that kind of shit is for the idiot that can not make change at a cash register.
The app almost always goes to a take a picture option which is a good thing.
Doordash has a specific pick up and delivery time. With staff shortages and driving in this area those times are not realistic a lot.
Doordash has the worst deliveries. Seriously, $2.50. Even if it takes 15 minutes total that comes out to $10/hr. Fuck you.
Doordash counts declining and unassigning against you.
Grub Hub's app is pretty good to use.
The pick up and delivery times are more like a guess than anything else.
It does allow for pointing out the restaurant is behind and there will be a delay.
Grub Hub allows block scheduling, but sometimes you can get better or more offers without the block. It is kind of screwy.
Grub Hub counts rejecting and cancelling deliveries against you.
It would be great to be able to make the money that I want to make on using just one app, but it isn't feasible.
The minute I start doing it then everyone else want to jump in and think they can to. There are only so many deliveries.
That or the customers start using a different app with their pinky up to the corner of their mouths and going Tee Hee Hee.
I sure seems that some of the restaurant people get their jollies off of making people wait especially if it pisses that person off.


I hate this fucking job. 
I am sick of getting sent in different directions on different apps. I got a ticket today trying to get shit done on time.
More money not saved to get out of this shit hole.
This is the most moronically designed shit hole I have ever had the misfortune of being in.
It is a 1850 laid out crap hole that they just keep shoving more shit and more people into and expect the road system to be adequate.
Then they keep turning roads that had two lanes or should have two lanes going each direction into one lane and a stupid fucking bicycle lane.
They tend to not build shoulders on the roads.
There are bottlenecks everywhere. Going under an Interstate because it was cheaper than having two different underpasses.
Going over a river because it was cheaper than having two bridges.
They think that the ugly nasty swamps that are everywhere mean that they are 'green'. you may have to drive 3 miles around one, but that is okey dokey by them.
They drive like they are sightseeing.
There are junctions that are just plain stupid.
Then they make 25 and 30 mph speed limits all over the place because their children are too special to tell "stay out of the street" to. Including the MSU 'adult' students.
You literally may have to sit through 2 or 3 entire light cycles because the pedestrians take so long crossing the road you are trying to make a right turn onto.
The main road in the area going east and west runs right through the are that was built so that the students could walk across it and get to stores and restaurants. 5 or 6 lights in about a 1/2 mile.
There is not enough road for the traffic.
I shouldn't forget the geniuses that build concrete roads in small sections on swampland. I works out the same as just putting down paver blocks in your yard and moving refrigerators over them everyday and expecting them to stay level.


Great now I have to struggle with giving my cat chemo medicine that may end up making life worse for him.
I will find the assholes with the burning weaponry and when I do their whole families will die.
Fuck you and whatever chicken shit coward crap you hide behind.


The mass media tries to help the nazis with the weaponry drive people to the brink of mass shootings. 
They do it so that they can get more stories and more face time covering the story.
It is all about lining their pockets. They are filth. Sell out garbage.
The Military Industrial Complex makes money off war. Lots and lots and lots of money.
They don't fight wars to win them they want to prolong them and use more weaponry that they get money to replace.
They are filth. Sell out garbage.
They are just like religion in that they will use any means that they can to scare people into giving them money.
The war machines and religions of the world are the bad guys. Along with those that worship money in any industry.
I fucking hate everything that these pieces of shit have done to my life and want everyone involved dead.


 A post from ayear ago on Facebook:

Did anyone ever wonder why, two days after I sent both Debra Hart and Tim Barron emails pointing out that they and all their friends were pieces of shit, both the governor of Michigan and the mayor of Lansing call the Tim and Deb show to announce over the air how good of friend that they are with them?
Imagine that. A fat ass piece of republican shit governor and a tinkerbell democrat mayor. Both in on the cover-up for the garbage using the radio to aid in the torture.
Death to Engler and Hollister and anyone that protects them.
Lansing is a cover-up shit hole. A spotlight from outside sources needs to be shined up every single ass in this area.
Expose and destroy everything found.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Death to this fucking piece of shit country for allowing this weaponry to exist.

The weaponry was started by the CIA. Now it is CIA, NSA and mass media radio and television.

Where better to hide Signals Intelligence than within the already existing broadcasting companies.

The cell tower grid is also used.

The 'Havana Syndrome' is not new. It is the same as the 'Moscow Signal'.

The Moscow Signal was a reported microwave transmission varying between 2.5 and 4 gigahertz, directed at the Embassy of the United States, Moscow from 1953–1976, resulting in an international incident.

Been around since 1953 and before. They have developed many weapons off of it including the remote neural monitoring and evoked potential weapons.

The shit is real and needs to be exposed. No slap on the wrist this time. This time it results in death penalty for all involved. 
They are in league with criminal organizations as well. They also use religions or give the weapons to religions to help control their flocks.
 Basically the scummiest of scumbags everywhere.
Death to god, guns and gold.


Monday, October 18, 2021

Why is it that no one in this fucking shit hole of humanity has told me what Doc and Jim were going to do?

 I was sitting at the bar in Mayfair when a whore named Kelly, (don't know her last name she fucked Joey and Jim, etc.) walked in and started talking to a fat bitch named Tammy, (not sure how she spelled her first name, but her father owned Buddy's Pub). 

Kelly stated to Tammy "He told Doc and Jim that he wanted to work for the CIA so they are going to......" Tammy interrupted her and said that I was listening so she whispered the rest to her.

First off I had a conversation with Doc about when I was in the Navy in 1984 and I was 19. I pointed out that back then I had wanted to work for them. In 1984 I was thinking more like James Bond and less like the nazi scumbags that the CIA really are. That conversation took place in the old Plum Crazy sports bar.

Jim Belafuil was not even in the bar when the conversation took place, but thaqt kind of detail doesn't mean much to the gossiping assholes of Lansing.

Anyone that employs BS&A Software, of which Belafuil is the B, is my enemy. They write the software program used by every single county in the state of Michigan to determine who has payed their property taxes or not. Apparently that are also defense contractors. 

Two assholes that hung out in a bar owned by cocaine dealers and local mafia and they knew about it are given contracts by the State and the Defense Department? I personally smoked pot with both of them back in 1999 when it was still illegal and an automatic loss of security clearance. 

Jim (republishit) Belafuil also went on to head the local Chamber of Commerce here in corruptionville.

Corrupt shit hole of a state and country it would seem.

One way or another these people are going to pay for the destruction of my life along with everyone else involved.

I am not out there fucking with anyone, but because some nazi cunt hooked me to this weaponry they all want to fuck with me. 
I want them all dead.


I came home early today to do yard work because I didn't like the orders that I was getting and I accidentally scheduled myself Tuesday night which is normally my day off.

The more drivers out there the more I hate them all. Anyone that jumped in because I am doing it as my job and they want to screw me out of it is someone that I want to die painfully.

I hate this fucking shit hole.


All delivery apps should stop taking orders from any restaurant that has only a drive thru line for the delivery driver to pick up in.
If the lobby is closed then so should the orders be.
It is not worth it to wait for over 15 minutes in a drive thru line.
The people there for themselves are pretty fucking stupid for doing it in my book.
Unfortunately, Lansing is one of those areas that think lines + popular and they have to be popular no matter what.
The only people that the waiting in line is helping are the restaurant CEOs and other stock holders.
The scumbags running the restaurants can simply close down more stores and make everyone wait longer.
They can not open more stores to alleviate the problem. They can not pay their employees and just make people wait as long as they are dumb enough to do it.
Stop ordering from the places that are not open inside.
The only way that those places will be staffed is if you hit the assholes where it hurts; THEIR PROFITS.


Just to let people know in advance.

When the roads become snow covered I will not be doing as many deliveries out the back roads.

My car will not handle very well in the snow and I will have to go a lot slower.

I could care less about the cold, but I am not going to be in a ditch out there.

Expect long delays on your food. Big difference between 60 mph and 35 mph.

You should already know that.


Sunday, October 17, 2021

Once again I get something going for work and it gets screwed over by the asshole brigade here in cuntville.
I started using Grub Hub and over the past week and a half there were several open blocks to schedule during the day and the weekend.
This week when the schedule opened up for me, I am not a "premier" yet, there was nothing before the 5 to 7 pm slot Monday through Friday. There was basically nothing at all on Saturday and only a couple of block on Sunday.
They are trying to fuck me out of the money I was making with Grub Hub now.
How would they know? Because the pin dick nazi garbage that hooked me to their weapon system spread the shit all over town.
I want everyone involved with them dead.
This shit was not happening in Dayton, Ohio. It did not happen when I lived in Adrian, Michigan. It did not happen when I was younger and was forced to visit my father in Angola, Indiana.
One of the morons here, a redhead named Erin said "I think he knows it's William", when I went back into the Travelers Club after the shit started here.
I do not know Erin's last name, but she is of the bi-sexual extacy popping sex cult crowd here. William was in reference to William White the owner of the defunct Travelers Club and owner of White 
Brothers Music store in Bath, Michigan.
I am not one of you sex cult 'people' and I never will be.
I told the cocaine people that I didn't want anything to do with that garbage. I didn't much care what they did, to a certain point, just leave me out of it.
I have repeatedly stated that I did not want to be in organized crime. I didn't much care what they did, to a certain point, just leave me out of it.
I repeatedly stated that I did not want to be in the fuck your co-workers crowd. I didn't much care what they did, to a certain point, just leave me out of it.
I fucking hate religions.
I do not join gangs, ever.
I care now and want every bit of it wiped out because of this fucking shit hole called the Lansing, Michigan area.


If it were not for the money grubbing materialistic whores, almost all computer programmers would be gay.
Almost all of them are griefers or get their jollies enabling griefers.
Stop overpaying the wienies.
The PC bullshit just makes it so that they can't get their griefer ass kicked like they deserve. That makes them worse not better.
Think about it. 2 year olds push the boundaries to find out what they can get away with. If there are no boundaries/punishments then they just keep going.
Griefers and PC idiots are just physically older.
Unwarranted violence is bad. Warranted and that means male or female is not.
Those spreading lies and false rumors that destroy other people's lives or get them fucked over, deserve to have their asses kicked.
Fuck you assholes.


Friday, October 15, 2021

I can not work at night on this job. I am 56 years old with type 2 diabetes. My eyes do not adjust from light to dark quick enough to be safely driving with a bright cell phone that I have to look at. 

I wrote about that problem when I drove at FedEx Ground. 

Being stuck in this area when it gets dark at 5:30 pm in the winter is going to be a real problem. 

The stupid blue light headlights are just as bad. I would like to physically hurt the assholes that came up with those.

My pupils dilate to let more light in when it is dark. That is how your eyes work too. Your pupils snap closed when a bright light hits them. Mine are not as fast anymore.

Too much light gets in and blinds me for several seconds. 

Just driving is not a problem as I can look at the side of the road. Looking for an address becomes a problem. Especially in an area where people almost hide their fucking addresses.

Since I got out there early, now all the drivers want to get out there early. There are more dinner/supper deliveries but those slots are open?

The fact that I wrote about being home by 7:30 pm to play Jeopardy with my aging ailing mother wouldn't have anything to do with the assholes trying to force me to stay out there instead to make any money now would it?

They wonder why I hate them so much. Because you are assholes that the world would be a better place without.

Both the CIA and the NSA should be abolished. The NSA is nothing more than another agency for the nazi garbage to continue their work. The only reason that the NSA exists is because the CIA wasn't allowed to spy on U.S. citizens.

They are the same sadistic little bastards as the CIA, only they do it while hiding behind computer screens.


Anytime I say I like something about a job, which there is very little to like about my current employment, to anyone suddenly it stop happening and the exact opposite starts.

I have written about not wanting to be a driver in the downtown East Lansing area delivering to the campus because of all the traffic and pedestrians. 

So they keep running me into that area no matter how many times I turn the shit off and go somewhere else.

I told my mother that I actually liked running longer deliveries out of town if they paid enough. Next day little or none.

The only person that I tell that kind of thing to is my mother. I made the mistake of telling a few people that I used to get out there at 6:30 am when I was only doing Doordash. Either they or the asshole brigade with the weaponry spread that all around and suddenly there were a bunch of drivers out there and no deliveries.

I started doing Uber to make up the difference in pay. MSU started back up and now even though the entire area is lit up as a hot zone I get no deliveries. 

Either there are way too many drivers or someone is fucking with my Internet connection.  

I hate this kind of spastic bullshit job to begin with. I would not even be doing it if the lowlife pieces of shit in the ol'boy networks here hadn't fucked me out of getting any real jobs.

I have written numerous times since this shit started that I am a route driver and not a delivery boy.

Unfortunately, route driving doesn't pay shit anymore either. 

This country sucks and fuck the overpaid computer nerd assholes.



Burn this image into your brains assholes. This is the face of what you gave cancer to with your attacks and your complicity.

Trust me, the hatred towards you is real.


Thursday, October 14, 2021

For over 20 years now, I can't have a conversation in this shit hole without it being spread all over town.
I told co-workers at Walters Vending in 2000 that I felt like I was on the Truman show and that I DID NOT LIKE IT back then.
I hate it more now.
Fuck off means fuck off.
I will find out who is responsible and I will end them.


Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Now they are keeping me up all night so I can't work tomorrow.
They are trying to make me run my bank account down to nothing.
Every time I get a little bit in the bank they fuck me over and make me lose it.
They are trapping me in this fucking shit hole which is just more reason to kill them all.
Every single thing that they do just increases my hatred for everyone involved.
They know that.
They also know that the people here will cover up for them because they are fucking stupid.


I looked up online what kind of treatment and how long my cat may have to live.
Best case scenario on length was 6 months. Complete remission might get a couple of years, but usually this type of cancer comes back as untreatable even then.
The cost was listed as basically 1000+ per month.
My cat is only 7 or 8 years old. His mental faculties are good. He is not going to understand what is happening to him.
I will get vengeance for him. I swear that on my grandmother's grave.
This is not now, nor was it ever a fucking game you pieces of ignorant shit.
Tee Hee Hee. I want you all dead.


Anyone that knows about what is being done to me, you just helped them kill my cat.

I want you all dead.

That includes the live room whores.

Shut it all down.


The entertainment industries are nothing but slimy assholes.

They make millions off of advertising dollars that the corporations use as tax write offs. They can write off 100%.

Advertising includes the bullshit endorsements for celebrities including athletes.

Those are tax dollars that could be used for infrastructure, fixing public schools, Medicaid and Medicare, etc.

The celebrity garbage is just as guilty as the corporations.

Fuck pop culture.

The whole system is a sham.

Fuck you all.


 I can 100% guarantee that my cat dying will make me want even less to do with anyone in this shit hole of an area. 

I will do my job until I get enough money to take my surviving cats and get the fuck away from this asshole of a state. 

No matter where I go it will always be DEATH TO MICHIGAN.

Death to the propaganda machine of this turd of a country. 

 End the advertising write off or die with it. 

 My cat's blood test results came back and it looks like the worst possible result. They are pointing to large cell lymphoma. 

Most likely it would be a result of the mother fucking nazi cunts with the radiation weaponry attacking him while he lays next to me. 

They are nothing but sadistic pin dicks hiding behind weaponry. They get their jollies off torutring people and the pieces of shit running this sack of crap country let them get away with it to keep their money and power structure.

Death to this fucking country. 

I want everyone that is involved dead. I want their fucking children dead. I want everything that they are a part of exterminated.

None of this shit would have happened if it were not for the garbage drug dealers spreading shit through their families and the fucking worthless LGBT community that was at the Travelers Club restaurant gossiping all over this shit hole area.

I fucking hate all of you.

I hate you for the torture of me and the destruction of my life. I am willing to kill all of you over my cat's life.

Did garbage die.

Saturday, October 9, 2021

 Regardless of what bullshit or how many times the bullshit is pushed, none of this was ever done for me.

The harassment, the attacks and the torture with the radiation weapons are just that.

The whole thing is being done to fuck me over and slowly kill me. 

I have every right to kill the attackers in self defense when I get the proof. 

This country and every country can shove their candy ass national security cover up blankets where the sun doesn't shine and die with them.

I will until the day that I die loathe, despise, detest, hate and want dead everyone involved.

 I do not like the Gig work crap. I have been posting for years that I am a route driver, not a delivery boy.

The pin dick assholes in this area, state and probably country have made it so that I can not get a route driving job.

I am not a moron social butterfly, nor do I want to be.

I used to hang out in bars because of what the bar had to do in the way of video games, pinball, pool, darts, etc. I did not give a rat's ass if anyone else was even in the bar. Generally the less people the better I like it.

I was that way before I moved to this shit hole. 

I have diabetes now and I do not drink alcohol. I have no interest in even going to the bars in this area because I want nothing to do with anyone here socially. I interact with people in the course of my job or their job. 

I try to do my job. I try to do my job well. That is me being me. I do not care who works where I pick up or who the delivery is to. I do care about quality and expediency. I will contact your corporate offices if necessary about your snide ass bullshit. 

I am there to pick up an order or orders on your customer's behalf. I am there to pick up orders that your customers have already paid for and are waiting to get. 

I get pissed off regularly by the idiot drivers in this area. The more you fuck around and do stupid shit the more dangerous you make my job. 

The idiotic road layout here is bad enough without dumb asses behind the wheel making it worse.  

Put driver's education back in the schools and get rid of the private instructor bullshit. Michigan has worse drivers than Florida. Yes, the kiddies might fail. No, I do not care if it hurts their psyche.  

I think all drivers should just walk off the job for a month and watch this turd country come to a complete stop. 

You need drivers more than you need computers and cell phones. Without drivers the shit to make your computer or cell phone never gets to where it is processed and put together. Then it would never get to the store or be delivered. 

Under no circumstance will I be a package delivery driver this time of year again. You can shove Christmas up your asses and die with it.

Friday, October 8, 2021

 I have noticed recently on the job that the only orders I get are the ones that I have specifically stated that I do not want. When I find the asshole manipulating the orders I will beat them to death with a baseball bat. 

I was doing just fine early morning until afternoons in Okemos then suddenly there were no orders in Okemos. All the orders came out of East fucking Lansing and Frandor. Two places that I specifically posted on Facebook that I did not want to go to. 

Now when the whole area is lit up as a hotspot on Uber, I get nothing at all. Nothing until the hotspot shrinks or goes away and then I only get a small order or one going very far away because no one else wants them.

I am no ones fucking mop up boy.

Lately I have been getting every single bullshit small order on Doordash to the point where my acceptance rate that used to always be in the mid to high 80s percent wise is at 66% which does not qualify me for top dasher.

Someone is fucking with my shit and when I get proof I am going to stop them permanently.

My brakes started grinding so my car is at the shop and I am home not making any money. The morning started out fucked up anyways. The first offer was to go to Mason for a delivery. I was in Okemos north of 96 headed towards Grand River. I accepted the offer thinking it was for the McDonalds at Okemos and Jolly. I got there and found out it was for Mason and unassigned the delivery. 

I am not going to spend 40 minutes round trip for under $7.00

All the new drivers are driving down the offer prices and it sucks. 

Every fucking time I get something going in this fucking town someone has to fuck it up. 

I hate this place and any place that the radiation weapons exists. I wouldn't want to be here without the weaponry.

The weather sucks and the whole nepotistic and cronyistic bullshit they have here is worth laying waste to the whole area.

They also have a whole cult mentality regarding Michigan State University that sucks.

In 1998 I was going along working as a cook at the old Plum Crazy restaurant in Haslett. I come in one day to find my hours cut down to 10 from 40. They gave my hours to 2 MSU students that worked there the previous year but had gone home. That would be Plum Crazy that was owned by Steve Fata (which a waitress, Nicole, told me that the Fatas were the local mafia and I better watch what I say or they'll get me) and Tom Warner (which a bartender, Lisa, told me was into cocaine). Lisa was the wife of a defense contractor at BS&A software. 

Both Lisa and Nicole are MSU grads.

Fuck MSU. 



Wonderful. Back to 12+ hour days to make what I was making because there are too many drivers out there. 

Yesterday I declined at least 10 offers because they were 4 dollars or under. Can you people do math? How long would it take you to get to the place that you order from, get your order and return to where you ordered from? 

A 4 dollar offer that takes 20 minutes total = $12/hr. Screw you.

These restaurants are often times understaffed or have the lobby closed meaning the drivers have to go through the drive thru line. The wait to get your order may be over 10 minutes. 

I warned people about how messed up it is trying to get around MSU campus and the businesses across Grand River (road) when the students are out. That adds more time to the delivery and means less deliveries per hour.

Why do you people that live away from campus insist on ordering from the businesses in that area that have other locations? That whole area was built for walking, not driving. If you know that and still send drivers in there when there are alternatives then you are an asshole.

Personally, I am sick and tired of my job being fucked up every time school starts back up. 

More orders disappeared because the parents are taking their kids to school and picking up their orders on the way home. 

The moronic "school of choice" bullshit in this state just puts more vehicles on the road. It also lets like minded people send their kids to schools that only agree with them. School is supposed to help your kids think and not just program them to be what you want. 

That is child abuse you anti-vax and anti-mask morons.

I am trying to save money to get out of this state. Anyone making it so that I can not do so just makes me hate it here even more. 


Tuesday, October 5, 2021

 I got laid off in March of 2020 because of the Covid pandemic. 

I collected 21 of the allotted 26 weeks in Michigan and took the extra $600 a weeks federal at the time.

That made my unemployment check $900 a week. 

I wanted to go back to work before the 6 months were up and everyone had to be looking for a job. They had not extended the bnefits at that time.

Conveniently, after I returned to work the republishit garbage said ok to extending the benefits.

I got lied to and fucked around by the scum at FedEx Ground and anyone that works there will forever be my enemy. I worked there until some security pea brain from Flint fired me because they thought my Facebook page was disturbing. 

I had no choice at that point but to do gig work as the ol'boy cunt bitch network in this shit hole has made it so that I can not get hired anywhere that is a good job. I hate this fucking shit hole of an area.

I am not going to work around a bunch of useless idiots and not point out that they are useless idiots so shove your PC shit up your asses and die with it.

 Now so many people thjat got cut off some of the government teat seem to be wanting to do the gig work.

As I said, fuck PC and screw them. I am not going to lose my pay because of you sorry ass pieces of shit that were sitting at home collecting unemployment while I was working. Screw you.

You take the jobs that have openings all over the place. Too fucking bad. You should have been working some all along you lazy pieces of crap.

I say put back all Unemployment requirements and Medicaid requirements to where they were before the pandemic.  

For the record, the gig companies offer insurance plans so no one doing gig work should qualify for help through the insurance Marketplace. 

Medicaid should require that the gig companies report all earnings for anyone on Medicaid. 

Enough bullshit.

On a little bit different note, all automobiles driven in the state should have 30 days to switch their tags to that of the state they are currently in. All driver licenses should be the same. 

No driver licenses should be automatically given as a replacement for out of state licenses or out of country licenses especially. 

Enough bullshit.


 Well got back from my cat's ultrasound and there is a chance that he may have cancer. There is also a chance that he may have IBD. 

Monday, October 4, 2021

Starbucks needs to change their delivery packaging. The holders they use inside the bags are complete bullshit. The openings are so large that the cups move back and forth inside them. If they only put 1 cup inside it the cup will slide under the middle opening and pop the top off on the side of the holder. 

They put the holder inside a bag so the driver can not see if the cup is moving. Not until the liquid starts seeping through the bag and running all over the car. 

If that shit had ruined any of my paperwork I would have done a lot more than take it back into the store and put it on the counter then cancelling the delivery. 

I have had to hit the brakes before and the bags fell over spilling everything inside them. I went back and got new orders made to deliver. 

I have never before had one move and spill while I had a hold of the bag so they would not move during transport.

I am done with that shit.

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Question: Are the package delivery companies putting cameras in the vehicles to monitor the drivers so that the information gained can be programmed into an AI to try and make drivers obsolete?

It would seem to me that the insurance companies would prefer the camera to be pointed at the road in front of the vehicle for proof in an accident, instead of pointed at the driver. 

If you put a dash cam in your own car you don't point it at yourself.

So WTF???????


My boy cat is hiding under a couch for no reason. He acts like he doesn't even want to come into the bedroom where he usually spent most of his time before. 

The vet will tell me his thyroid test results this morning and I have already scheduled an ultrasound for him at the vet's recommendation. 

My cats are way more important to me than this sack of shit crapitalist pig country.

Are the pin-dick nazi pigs with the weaponry attacking my cat.

Look up Jose Delgado and the bullshit he did to animals, including cats, in his mind control experiments for the CIA. Delgado was basically the Mengele of the animal world. 

Is that how the CIA and Michigan State University got connected in the first place? Look it up MSU people helped start the Vietnam war.

Death to the Cocaine Import Agency. Repeal the National Security Act of 1947.


 I hate all religions. Religions are the worst atrocities ever committed by humans on humans.

There is no such thing as god you fucking imbeciles.

You dumb ass piece of ignorant shit are too afraid to even ask the most basic of logical questions about the fairy tales of your religions.

How the fuck could your god exist without anywhere to exist? Your fairy tales say your god made everything. How could it make everything when somewhere had to already be there for it to exist in?

How did you god come into existence? Did it decide to create itself? How could it create itself? For it to decide to create itself it would have already have had to exist to decide.

It is just as impossible for there to be a god as it is impossible for there to be a beginning to area, time, mass or the processes that produce energy. 

Every single piece of shit that took part in the harassment that got me tortured also got my cats attacked by the nazi cunts with the radiation weaponry. 

If you think for one minute that I would not exterminate every single one involved then you are seriously stupid.

I hate all of you. 

 I do not have sex anymore because of the useless sorry ass pieces of shit in this town that do not know how to SHUT THE FUCK UP.

The harassment started at the shit hole that was called the Traveler's Club restaurant. The same group at the Mayfair. I literally hate the fuck cult club in this area. 

All the harassment and bullshit did was make me want to slaughter your whole group and your families. 

This town doesn't have jobs, it has little fuck cults all over the place. May be the whole piece of shit state as far as I know. 

The world would be a better place without everyone involved in that crap.

The whole PC crowd bullshit here is nothing more than a smokescreen for the garbage to be garbage.

"You can't say anything negative about anything." Apparently including the garbage doing illegal shit.

It is still sexual harassment if it is done by women or gays or minorities. PC is just being used as an excuse for assholes in those groups to be as bad as the ol' boy networks that they complain about. 

There needs to be Federal investigations into the Lansing, Michigan area.

There needs to be Federal laws against fraternization on the job.

Hey PC morons why do you think otherwise good cops cover up for the bad ones? Could it be the whole fraternal order of police shit? Fraternization causing cult mentalities?

It is illegal for a group of people to harass someone on the job to get them to quit. You deserve it if they come in and shoot you all.

 You sex cult assholes are just as bad as the religious assholes that do it and you all need to die.

Friday, October 1, 2021


Every time I read an employment ad for Aldi or pretty much anywhere around the Lansing area I always have to shake my head and laugh in disgust a little bit at the EEO disclaimer.

 ALDI is committed to equal opportunity for all employees and applicants. As a proud Equal Opportunity Employer (EOE), we do not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, religion, sex, sexual stereotyping, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, age, marital status, mental or physical disability, medical condition, genetic information, military or veteran status, pregnancy (which includes pregnancy, childbirth, and medical conditions related to pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding), or any other protected characteristic.


There should be an extra line added to the end:

 Unless you are a straight, white male atheist, problem solver with a no fraternization policy for yourself, then we don't want you here because our employees can't control themselves and/or we want morons that have faith in our company no matter what.



Why would anyone want inexperienced drivers rushing around trying to deliver food orders?

 College students and immigrants should be doing the restaurant and other supply chain jobs.  

I have already done my turn in restaurants and warehouses. 

Doordash, Uber, Grubhub, GoPuff, Shipt, etc. should be required to report the names and earnings of all contractors to the IRS and any and all State and Federal agencies dealing with benefits, Unemployment, Medicaid and Medicare, Welfare.   

The minimum age for any commercial driver should be 21 years old. Even delivering pizzas. 

Corporations want younger workers, immigrants, minorities and women because they can get away with paying them less.  

 Twice now I have gotten messages from Uber that my account was logged into from a new device. I changed my password the first time about a month ago.

Both times the log in was from the Detroit area.

Next I send to the FBI cybercrimes.

I posted about my cat being sick and about the nazi pigs with the radiation weaponry attacking me and burning my cat with radiation at the same time. 

I posted about killing the pieces of shit attacking me and my cat with the radiation weapons. 

My post got flagged by the cunts at Facebook. 

Everyone that works for Facebook is a piece of shit.

I am banned from posting there for 3 days now. Probably that ex soldier cunt John Shaw that reported the post. 

You know how but hurt those veterans get.

I got banned from Facebook for 3 days for pointing out that John Shaw is a cunt.

 John Shaw is a complete pussy and candy ass.

Anytime John Shaw wants to go toe to toe I am all for it.

Saturday, September 25, 2021

 Yet another post that was flagged by the pussies at Facebook. This time it is a post from a year ago that wasn't flagged then but is now????? What new cunt is watching my Facebook page now and complaining????


Before I moved up here as I was getting ready to leave one of the assholes from the East 5th street crowd said to another one "He has no idea where he is going".
He was right, I knew nothing about the Lansing area. Those little assholes pinks did though. No warnings or heads up at all.
Fuck those asshole punks and their whole families. I hope they all die soon and painfully.
On another note, anyone that tells someone to call out their name twice if they are in trouble and they will respond is a scumbag. How exactly would they be able to hear you unless they were part of Big Brother?
Death to Al Cooper and everyone associated with him. He told my mom that a long time ago.
She said his name twice because I went to her to try and get her to call some other friends of hers to help stop the bullshit that the fucking game playing pieces of shit in Lansing started.
I want everyone involved dead. Not a joke. Not drama. Completely and totally fact that will never change. I get tortured because these pieces of shit wouldn't back the fuck off me.
The fucking garbage from Dayton just made it worse because they didn't ask me they just jumped in with the garbage here. Fuck them as well let them die with the garbage here.
All criminals need to keep their fucking families away from me. I will not look out for them if I know and will probably try to get them or you busted. Fuck off.
I am not saying that because of the torture. I am saying that because you are garbage that deserves to die.
If the torture ended today I would still want you all dead.
Same goes for the lowlife pieces of shit called defense contractors. Keep your piece of shit families away from me.
That goes for you sorry ass pieces of shit in the mass media as well. 
Fuck you and your families.