Thursday, March 3, 2022

 Since Zuckerturdbook won't let me post or share memories, I will post it here.


Thursday, September 24, 2015

I sent this to the UN a few years ago
This is the body of an old e-mail that I sent to the UN. I still get tortured, so nothing happened, but I am covering my ass by reporting it anyways. When it gets exposed let all the shit that covered it up die with it.
"Hello. This e-mail will be sent to law enforcement agencies as well as organizations dealing with exposing human rights violators.
My name is James Micheal Vierling Jr. (not a typo that is how my middle name is spelled now). If you do an Internet search of my name, you may find some racist and holocaust denial garbage that someone posted using my e-mail address, aka forgery. I tried to get it all removed or at least post a reply that it was a forger and not myself. I live in Holt, Michigan. Holt is a suburb of Lansing.
The situation that has me writing this e-mail is that someone or some group of people is attacking me with a radiation weapon similar to an Active Denial System. They use this weaponry on me while I am at home most of the time, but they have also used it on me when I was somewhere that I would be stationary for awhile. Most of the time it is the worst when I am in bed trying to sleep, although they also burn me while I am sitting at the computer. The weaponry that they have is used at various levels of power as the burning ranges from feeling like I am a few feet in front of an electric space heater to being so bad that I immediately have to move.
The attacks at all power levels have a very distinct sensation that is much like the feeling of getting a sunburn. The weapon could use the frequencies of the Active Denial System or it could use something like microwave frequencies. The attacks while in bed are usually centered in the area between my kness and my lower abdomen, but can also affect my entire body from feet to head.
For anyone that says it is a supposed non-lethal weapon, you have no proof that that is the case with repeated or prolonged exposure. Using me to experiment on is both a violation of my rights against non-consensual experimentation and also it is very much a reason to kill those doing it to me.
Due to other circumstances, I can not afford a radiation detector or a spectrum analyzer to state the specific frequency or frequencies being used. Good heat signature detection apparatus or gear may also be a way to detect the broadcasts and their point of origin as they are a continous broadcast at times. The heat signature may not give the exact frequencies but it can show the adverse affects of the radiation attacks as I would probably light up quite a bit more than someone not being attacked due to the heat which is basically cooking me.
You know as well as I do that the person/people with the weaponry will simply turn it off if they know you are coming with equipment to try and detect the radiation. The only way it will work is if someone getting this e-mail detects the broadcasts without making it known that they are trying to first. My address is (address redacted for spam reasons).
The radiation broadcast would be detectable from point of origin all the way to myself and past me where it extends outside of my body. Yes, that also means that their attacks are affecting or could be affecting other people, animals or anything in the path of the radiation. Most likely, but not absolutely, the radiation broadcasts are coming from something mounted on one of the numerous towers out there. 
Something lower would/could have too much or at least much more interference from stuff in the way making it less effective.
You may be asking yourself why would someone or some group attack this person with radiation weaponry? To answer that blunty, why would it matter? It should be stopped regardless. Even if the person were a criminal, which I am not, the attacks can not be one hundred percent limited to just that person as explained above.
The attackers should not be allowed to hide behind that cover-up blanket known as National Security. I have sent two previous e-mails to Senator Carl Levin of Michigan, but nothing has stopped. I sent them to him because he is on the Armed Forces Committee and the weaponry is definitely military grade. I have also filed a complaint with the military, but again nothing has stopped.
The mass media is completely useless to report this kind of thing to, so if someone does get the proof, send it to independent media sources and get it out all over the Internet as fast as possible. If law enforcement agencies actually do something about it, just remember that you are just as bad as them if you let them get away with the National Security bullcrap.
They need to be exposed. Scumbags are still scumbags regardless of what flag they hide behind or clothes that they wear.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, James M. Vierling Jr."
At this time, I have no way to pay you as I am living with my mother and trying to survive on donating plasma.
Thanks if you can help,
James M. Vierling Jr.
P.S. If you search my name online, you may still find some racist and anti holocaust bullshit that some lowlife posted using my e-mail and my name back in 2007. I have tried to get most of it removed or at least posted a reply stating that this was be done to me by a forger, but they spammed the shit out of it and I don't think I have found it all yet.

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