Tuesday, March 15, 2022

McClaren's new Lansing facility sucks.
I went there to get labs done this morning.
I went in and showed the lady at the front desk my lad orders and she said have a seat and someone will be with you shortly.
There were about 6 or 7 other people there.
They called everyone there back one at a time.
Then after about 10 to 15 more minutes one of the women came out and called the couple that had just came in back.
I stated I was there before them and they even stated that I was there before them.
The worker then smugly replied wee take people by scheduled times.
I sat there for over a half an hour only to be passed up because no one told me that I needed a fucking appointment or I would get passed by.
I have been going to McClaren's older facility for a few years getting labs done and that shit never happened.
They closed the older facility down completely instead of having two.
The new facility was designed for form instead of function.
I guess I have to pay full price now and just get the labs done at the doctor's office.
Just more reason to hate this shit hole of an area.
That will be next week.
I am done waiting around today in this slow ass shit hole.


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