Thursday, March 3, 2022

Since I can't post to Facebook, I guess everything will be posted here and then I will copy and paste it there when the 7 day ban is over. 

I seriously want to go to California and rid the world of quite a few computer nerds. 

I am going to try and get the government to do something about the bullshit lying scumbags at Doordash, but since it is a 1099 bunch of bullshit they probably won't.

More reason to destroy this asshole of a country.

I hate republican garbage that have turned it into this crap. The establishment democrats are just as bad. The so-called progressives are idiots.

Death to religions, military industrial complexes and monetary systems. (god, guns and gold for the morons)

I am basically getting fucked out of any income in this piece of shit asshole of a state.

Until crapitalism is done away with I do need income to survive you fucking pathetic little snide ass bitches.

It would be a tremendous help if the government would shut down Doordash and scare the other apps into cleaning it up.

Seriously, how the fuck does a company that is based upon hiring drivers using their own vehicles get away with not verifying insurance or even driver's licenses??????

How the fuck does a whole industry based on driving get away with not piss testing its drivers???????

Are you customers so fucked up that all you care about is cheap deliveries??????

Do you not care that the whole thing could be a cover up for drug dealers?????

They can say that that is where their income comes from to avoid the IRS. The IRS isn't the problem, they are.

Doordash's CEO likes to brag about having 2 million part time employees. How does that make him or Doordash any different that Walmart or any other company not giving full time to its employees. 

I specifically told you fucking morons that they were flooding the market with drivers and that it was going to fuck everything up, yet once again you don't bother to think it through.

I specifically told you about the students fucking the job up. I fucking hate MSU.

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