Thursday, March 24, 2022

Stop letting the restaurant app choose a delivery service for you. Seriously.
If the delivery is messed up call the restaurant's customer service number and complain about that delivery service.
Call the delivery service and complain about that driver.
It is your food that you paid for, fuck hurting someone's feelings.
People ordering, use the frigging correct address. 2 deliveries at the same time yesterday had bad addresses. 1 I got in touch with the person and got the correct address and delivered the food.
The other The person kept texting me to leave the food when I told them that the address was not there so I called support and they told me to cancel the delivery. The address actually does come back on Google maps as being in the middle of the road. The addresses on the houses are 400+ numbers higher.
If I would have left the food at the wrong address the asshole would have claimed that they never got it and got a refund and I would have lost the pay.
If I am not going to get paid for it, you are not going to get the food.
In situations like that the delivery app needs to ban that individual's account. At least get in touch with the restaurant so they can ban that account from their app.
I fucking hate scammers.


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