Friday, March 4, 2022

Once again posting here first because of the sniveling little PC pussy brigade at Facebook. Notice how they don't ban people unless they post the truth about garbage like them. 

Here is some truth about 99% of computer people. They are sheltered little pussies that have never worked a real job in their lives. They all got rich by preying upon the stupidity or desperation of others. 

Wienie capitalist turds. 

The delivery app writers are not even good at programming, they just threw shit together and preying upon the fears of the populace over Covid. 

They didn't do it to help anyone but themselves. 

Think about Chicago's lawsuit against them for forcing their deliveries on restaurants. 

Restaurants need to understand that they in no way shape or form have to honor any order from any app if they do not want to unless they agreed to accept orders. They can stop at any time unless their is a contract.

The restaurant can stop taking orders from one, two or all apps individually.

The only people getting rich off the whole thing are the CEOs and upper management of the delivery apps and the same at the chain restaurants.

They pissed me off again today by sending me back to East Lansing over and over no matter how many times I turned the app off and left the area. If I could press a button and kill them all I would. 

They also gave me the same order twice and counted the first time against my acceptance rate as a missed order. That should be illegal as I have no control over network connectivity.

Even when I had a block today I got small orders.

The past 2 days together I have made $25 off Uber. 

They are trying to fuck me out of the job which would screw me since the old boy network in the asshole of an area effectively blacklisted me. For which I want them and everyone that listens to them dead. 

The politicians are useless garbage that look the other way instead of digging into an industry that has gotten too big for its britches and spanking them. Must be those PC turds that don't believe in spanking or the republishit garbage that think the CEOs should be able to own the employees. 

Everyone was mad about Microsoft and others moving all their tech support to India, but no one says anything about the delivery apps.

The app companies were behind the bullshit Prop 22 that made it easier for immigrants to get into driving?? They just wanted cheap labor that didn't know any better. They are predators.

Doordash fucked me over and now Uber and Grubhub think they have me over a barrel. I would rather kill the garbage than go crawling to them.

All politicians that look the other way need to be exposed as the corrupt pieces of shit that they are. 

Special license, drug testing, insurance verification, minimum wage assurances and raise it to 15.00/hr, Prosecute the fraud of hiring under the pretence of working where and when you want, end the daily cash outs and make sure the earnings are reported to the IRS, etc. 

It can be 1099, but it needs to be cleaned up badly.

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