Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Scamming pieces of shit are trying to fuck me around with bogus bills.

A few months ago I got a bill from someone in Clarkston claiming that I owed money for services rendered to some cunt that used my name without my permission. I contacted them and informed them that I do not know the woman and would not be responsible for her bills. 

Today I got a letter from a supposed debt collection agency in Michigan for the same bullshit bill. 

I went to their site and sent them an email which got rejected by their site. I got a mailer-daemon reply with:>: host[] said: 550 Sender's

    policy prohibits this message: Reject (in reply to end of DATA command)

<>: host[] said: 550 Sender's
    policy prohibits this message: Reject (in reply to end of DATA command)

Here is the message:

As I told the morons that tried to bill me for this bullshit in the first place, I DO NOT KNOW THE WOMAN THAT THE SERVICES WERE RENDERED TO OR HOW SHE GOT MY NAME AND INFORMATION. I WILL NOT PAY BILLS FOR HER OR ANYONE ELSE. I have no problem with the idea of breaking her fucking neck for using my name however. Quit trying to scam me out of money or the next step will be to contact the FBI. DEATH TO SCAMMERS.

The money is supposedly owed to Kellam and Associates PC which operates in many hospitals around Michigan.

I have never nor will I ever have an account with them. The bill had some woman's name on it with her last name starting with the same first 4 letters of my last name, but then being completely different. 

Bitch, you better hope I don't find you.

I will not pay the bill. If this bullshit in any way affects my credit score I will sue the fuck out of everyone involved.

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