Sunday, March 20, 2022

Well it looks more and more like I will have to give up playing Jeopardy with my mother to be able to make any money doing the gig work.

The only thing that you fucking assholes will accomplish by forcing me to work more aqnd more hours to make the same money is to increase my hatred for all of you.  

I will never want to live in this state. Too late for that. You idiots in this area got me tortured and my life destroyed for the rest of it. There is now and will always only be hatred for everyone that was and/or is involved. 

Expose the weaponry or you are garbage just like those behind it. That goes for everyone, everywhere.

I wasn't the problem in the first place. You scum twisted it that way to cover up for your garbage. I am going to dispose of your garbage and then you as well.

I didn't like right wing religious types before I moved here and never will. Now I despise the left wing sex cult types just as much. 

I will never be a supporter of crapitalism. Crapitalism = building crap so it falls apart and people have to keep repairing it or buying more. 

I do not support capitalism either. Profiting off the necessities.

I despise the whole overpaid entertainment industry and the moron sheeple that worship them. End the advertising tax write offs.

I would end religions today if I could and do not give a rat's ass if you want to die with your cult.

Get rid of 'god' and gold and there is no more reason for the guns. 

Garbage would still wan the guns to try and power trip, but if everyone else was using reason instead of having faith they would just get rid of the power trippers. 

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