Saturday, March 5, 2022

I get up and immediately the scumbags with the weaponry start in with some song lyric. The same line form the same song over and over and over again.

It is a common brainwashing technique used on the idiot masses. It is why marketers use jingles in ads to get you to repeat the jingle over and over until you want the product.  

It is why religious ceremonies use the same songs over and over. Look it up, religions specifically paid musicians/composers to write music that contain frequencies that make their victims more susceptible to the words spoken by the piece of shit at the podium. 

Then they start fucking with my eyes and using the "you put too much emphasis on looks" crap. I am allowed to decide what I find visually appealing and what I do not. You are not allowed to force your opinion on me. 

I am not allowed to force what I find attractive on you. No one has to have sex with anyone that they do not find attractive. 

The who you are may mean that I like you as a person, but in no way means that I want to have sex with you. If that is a problem for you, then I no longer like the who you are either.

If I do find a woman attractive and the who she is turns out to be a complete waste of oxygen then I do not want to have sex with her. 

I can find a flower pretty, but I do not want to have sex with it.

I am going to kill the assholes behind the weaponry or die trying. Anyone that covers up for them deserves to die with them.

To everyone trying to control my life: Fuck off and die.

Death to religions, military industrial complexes and monetary systems. 

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