Tuesday, March 15, 2022

The universe is literally nothingness. It is merely space and not what occupies that space. ALL SPACE.
However, nothing can exist without the space for it to exist in.
Religions say that their god or gods created the universe.
Where did your god or gods exist without the space for them to exist in???
The universe had to already be there.
What you push is that your god or gods magically created everything, including the universe, so that it or they would have a place to be able to exist?????
What are your god or gods made of? Mass or energy?
Are you saying that your god or gods magically created mass and/or energy so that they would have something to be made up of?????
Mass and/or energy would have had to already exist in order for your god or gods to be made of it.
Your god or gods do not actually exist. The concept was made up by scumbags to control you. Your supposed faith is what gives the human scumbags power over you.


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