Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Let me see if I can clarify this for all of you.

No one told me anything about this fucking shit hole of an area.

They just kept playing games with my life behind my back.

They still don't tell me and they still play games with my life behind my back.

They keep trying to get shit started so people get pissed off at me when they should be pissed off at themselves or the assholes starting the crap.

I want everyone playing the games with my life dead. No exceptions. I literally hate everyone involved and do not give a rat's ass about any bullshit consequences of exposing and killing all of you.

Those punk ass little assholes in Dayton didn't tell me anything about here either, but they sure seem to have told someone here about me. DIE ASSHOLES.

Everything that you pieces of shit have tried to put me in, I want completely and totally destroyed.

Fuck off.

Take your spotlight and shove it up your asses. Hopefully the Feds will do their job and do it.

Why is it that twice ex-Governors from Michigan were appointed Secretary of Energy???? A Republican and a Democrat.

What did they gain expertise in covering up for in this shit hole of a state? Everything in Michigan needs to be exposed.

Guess I need to go back to researching and exposing garbage


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