Thursday, March 3, 2022

 Once again the pin dicks with the neuro-weaponry use " You said you wanted to buy in" or " You shouldn't have said that you wanted to buy in" garbage.

I never said I wanted to buy in.

What I said about the bar was " I should ask my rich friends to loan me the money to buy him out of here."

Not buy in. Buy the bar and get rid of him, Steve Fata, and cocaine Tom Warner. 

I said that in response to the guy across the table who was complaining about how run down the bar was getting and he said "I am going to have to tell Steve to spend some money in here".

From what I gather now he was either one of the Fatas or one of Tom's cocaine associates or both?

A week or two later is the first time that I was told that the Fatas were supposedly the local mafia, when one of their waitresses threatened me on their behalf when I said that I did not like Steve. 

About any drugs, the whole asshole area was basically making it so that I could not find any pot because I didn't want to fuck the nasty ass fat women or the cocaine whores. 

I was talking to a short black guy in the Mayfair who was with Eric, (Yarmo), a known cocaine dealer and bookie.

I specifically state that if I couldn't find any around there, I said here, I would save up my money and go somewhere else to buy it.

Not to sell it morons, to smoke it.

They are the ones that escalated it to start shit. They are the ones that need executed. 

The bars by the lake should be demolished and turned into a parking lot for the park and the convenience store.

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