Friday, March 25, 2022

I have written it several times and even used to tell people that I got my exercise at work.

So what do the so-called "evil" little pin dicks here do? Put me in a job that I get no exercise.

I even told them at Aldi warehuse that I considered the job my gym. So immediately they started pushing policies to stop the lifting of skids.

That is the kind of shit that this fucking garbage dump of humanity does. Especially when they find out that I do not have sex with women that I work with or with men ever. No 'its' either.

The whole piece of shit crowd in this area that pushes the sex crap needs to be exterminated.

For the record, the only reason I went to talk to the cunt Terra Hanks was because of the assholes in the mass media and their bullshit.

You know, the ones that Sundance funds with all the tax write off advertising.

 I did not even want that shit hole on my route at Walters Vending. I despise country crap, celebrities, salespeople and the automotive industry crapitalism. Why in the fuck would I want anything to do with them?

This whole area is run by shit. Anyone associated with them deserves to die. That means those actually running things and not ust their puppet politicians.

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