Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Wonderful day today was.

I didn't make shit there for 12 hours.

Actually 11 because my mother called me and said that there were electricity issues and I needed to come home right away.

First thing that I did was walk to the pole with the meter and flip a switch back to the on position. The power went out once before when some kids were playing with the switch.

Keep your fucking kids away from the power poles. If I catch one they will be sorry and so will you. That kind of shit can cause fires.

That kind of shit can lead to death.

As for the job, they kept sending me into that fucking shit hole campus for bullshit deliveries. Even when I had a block the first fucking thing that they did after I specifically went unavailable until I got away from the campus was to send me right back over there.

I said fuck it and wrecked my acceptance percentage on the first one. I even clicked on don't like area for a reason. Immediately after that they sent me an even smaller offer going into that area. A smaller offer that I had to wait over 15 fucking minutes for.

Once again they lie to you and tell you that blocks give you preference for the bigger orders.

Why in the fuck would anyone want a block if it just meant that you would get any offer first no matter how small????

You would just be fucking yourself.

When someone turns the app off by going unavailable and drives out of an area, why would the AI send them right back into that area?

Someone is trying to make me quit and when I find out who you are going to regret it in any way that I can make you.

Doordash already violated the contract and fucked me out of being able to dash whenever I wanted to as a Top Dasher. I followed their rules, they conveniently did not. Doordash was very busy when I got done tonight. Everyone ordering with them can go fuck themselves.

Doordash is the crack whore of the delivery companies.

No matter how busy they get I would rather quit driving than drive for them.

Just more reason to hate this shit hole.

Hey Spartans, if you like living in Michigan so much, you can still root for the Wolverines in the basketball tournament.

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