Thursday, March 17, 2022

This gig economy bullshit is a trap.

I made $50,000 last year.

I started doing the job in April and had $26,000 in the bank.

At the end of the year I had $9,000 in the bank.

The job finished off my Volkswagen Golf. I bought a Ford Focus and had to continually put money into it.

I got sick of repairing it and bought a new car.

I already have over 21,000 miles on the new car that I bought in November of last year.

The job is going to destroy the new car.

You can not make any money doing this job in this shit hole area without spending all fucking day out there.

You end up putting huge mileage on your vehicle because of the whole fucking area being in one zone.

If you do not take the deliveries offered you will get fucked out of future deliveries or if they want to they can just fuck you out of delivering at all.

The whole thing is a scam that only makes money for the people running the app companies and the merchant companies corporate offices.

Gasoline costs are ridiculous. I spend $40 to $50 a day in gas.

Sometimes more because of all the in city driving.

I do not like this job or the whole bullshit economy based on people having to use their own stuff. I do not want to be a contractor.

I want a job where I can be left the fuck alone to do it and then go home and not have anything to do with it.

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