Wednesday, December 15, 2021

When I got my new car financed, I knew I had no credit history.

I have received letter after letter from all the places that were tried.

They have all listed my credit score as 0. Not bad credit, not good credit, but absolutely no credit.

That was until today. Today I got the rejection letter from Ally. They refused my credit because of what they got back from SageStream LLC.

SageStream said my credit score was 539?????

What are they basing that on?? I have tried my whole life to not borrow. I haven't had a loan in over 30 years.

SageStream also said Length of residence too short?????

I have lived where I live since 2004. 17+ years going on 18 is too short?

I looked up SageStream and they are not accredited by the Better Business Bureau. They are part of LexisNexis. There is no way to contact Sagestream online only a 1 800 number and a P.O. box address.

Well Ally, (GMAC), you are now tied to a scam operation.

There should be a federal investigation of SageStream and LexisNexis.


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