Monday, December 6, 2021

Almost 2 weeks now and I still do not have my payment book for my car.

I worked Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday Thanksgiving week, so I am not giving anyone any slack for the stupid fucking holiday bullshit.

I got fucked over on my old car. The dealership was only going to give me $500 as a trade in on a car with a brand new $5000 transmission. It had less than 10,000 miles on it.

Then the finance guy said his brother needed a car and he would give me 800 to 1000 for it. his brother supposedly needed it for college.

Then when he got around to getting the car it was suddenly that his brother was between jobs and he only had $600.

Never, ever trust anyone that calls you "brother".

I had around $18,000 in that car including purchase price.

I hate this scamming ass piece of shit area.

I am also pretty sure that the salesman added tax and title in when he showed me the price, but when the finance guy got it financed the tax and title fees were added to the base price.

The finance guy is a scammer that should be fired.

If I see anyone using that car to do gig work I will beat them to death.

Now get me my fucking payment book and unless I need to go to you for service I will not be back because of Edwin.


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