Saturday, December 11, 2021

The power went out in East Lansing today around noon maybe a little later.
Power lines down because of high winds got hit by a fucking train and it yanked poles down.
They closed Hagadorn Rd from Grand River to Mt. Hope roads.
Apparently none of the delivery apps pay attention to road closings issued by police departments since they all kept routing drivers down that stretch of Hagadorn.
A lot of restaurants were without power, but most likely they kept sending drivers back to them.
I got sent to the Taco Bell on N East, but when I got there there was a sign on the door saying that that location was temporarily closed.
Evidently either the restaurant is not informing the delivery apps or the delivery apps are not listening.
A customer informed me the other day that she could not pick the location that she ordered from if she used a particular delivery app. One of the big 3.
If all the app services are routing the pickups then they truly suck shit. They keep routing them to the worst possible areas to pick up from.
The customers should be able to pick which store they want to order from. I apologize for the names I have called customers as I was driving to their location for ordering from the store they ordered from.
I was only going to stay out until 5 pm tonight, but I decided to try and stay out later.
Big mistake. The whole area was a complete mess. There were so many people at the restaurants that there is no way that I was going to wait that long for orders.
Between the power outages, a fucking home basketball game at MSU, Saturday shoppers, holiday shoppers and Saturday night out of towners coming in to see if they can get lucky with an MSU student, I just said fuck it I am going home.
Good luck to the police, fire and electrical workers. Don't be afraid to ask Consumers for some help BWL.
Go home morons. 
Let the people without power get deliveries or go to the eateries to get food. Let the workers clean up the trees and other wind damage.
You will survive without 1 Saturday night partying.
Who knows, the students might actually crack a book.


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