Saturday, December 18, 2021

I wrote about the nastiness of some of the drivers out there recently.

Yesterday, while making a pickup there was a young guy sitting at the counter of the restaurant. He was playing a game on his cell phone.

He looking like he hadn't showered in days and was wearing jeans with huge holes in them. Fashion or not that is inappropriate wear for work in the public eye.

I didn't think much of it at first, just another idiot. Then the owner of the business asked him what order he was waiting for.

The gross young guy said the he didn't remember it was Grubhub something. He went back to the game he was playing and a couple of minutes later told the owner the name of the customer on the order.

The owner gave him the order and looked over and just shook his head. I shook mine in agreement.

What the fuck is wrong with you pathetic morons?

You took a job that is all about customer service and you don't give a shit about customer service????????

Your hygiene would get you fired from the restaurants, it should get you fired from delivering the food as well. Go sit at Walmart and deliver non food goods.

That is the type of garbage that I lose orders to.

Nothing will get done though, because you can't complain about anything in this moronic PC bullshit society.


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