Monday, December 27, 2021

Someone is playing games with the mail now.

I give my mother money and she write the checks to pay bills.

Conveniently the Xfinity bill got lost in the mail. No other ones did, just the one for the cable and Internet.

Some pin dick is trying to make it so that I can not get on the Internet.

Do they think is will make me want to go out and socialize with people?

It won't.

What it will do is make me hate this fucking turd of a country even more. Especially this area.

If I wanted to socialize I would be out there. I didn't particularly give a rat's ass about it before and care even less about it now.

I am not a feeble minded waste of space that always has to be around others.

I went to bars and other places because if I was at home I would be bored with nothing to do. I did not then nor will I ever give a shit if anyone else is there or not.

I do not join in activities in bars to meet people. I join in for something to do.

I used to stand at pinball machine for hours on end in a bar in Kettering. People looking for me knew to call where I lived and if I wasn't there most likely walk into Katz bar and look to the left back then. I think they moved the pinball machines.

If I wasn't either one of those place, good fucking luck finding me.

For the most part I find people to be stupid and playing childish head games that insult my intelligence. I do not think that I am better than them, I just do not want to waste my time engaging in stuff I despise.

Now back to the original point, FUCKING WITH THE MAIL IS A FEDERAL OFFENSE.

2 of the many, many people that the world would be a better place without are DeJoy and the asshole that appointed him.


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