Friday, December 17, 2021

To all of you that decided to take money away from those already delivering so you could have extra money for your crap ass christmas bullshit: Fuck you.

You should be taking the seasonal jobs.

You should not be taking money away from someone already doing a job.

You are assholes.

Orders drop off now. Students go home for winter break. You just make it worse.

To the assholes that let them do it: You need to be put out of business.

To the assholes that do what I do where I was doing it because of information gleaned from the weaponry: Die with the nazi scumbags that have the weaponry.

Half or more of the drivers out there are not wearing masks inside the restaurants. I wear one every single time. I even wear them at the drive thru windows.

All 3 major delivery apps require the drivers to wear masks. They need to enforce the policy or they need to be subjected to heavy fines.

They send unmasked children in to pick up the orders as well. That is illegal and against company policies.

It is fraud. The person that is receiving the offer has their name on the customer app. The person picking it up is claiming to be that person. It is no different than signing into someone else's account.

Enough of the bullshit.

Fuck anarchy.

Fuck "whatever".

There is a pandemic and Michigan has a big problem right now with it spreading. All the bullshit does is add to the problem.

All delivery persons should be required to be vaccinated and to wear masks inside of restaurants or other stores while doing the job. Including all shop and deliver type orders.

I deliver to government buildings and to hospitals. I deliver to schools. I know others get those orders as well.


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