Wednesday, December 8, 2021

I got a contract violation from Doordash tonight.

I was on a delivery from Grubhub when they sent me an offer to go from the mall in Okemos to Frandor shopping center.It should not have been that much of a problem, but the shit light timing and the bullshit traffic around the mall and all the fucking way down Saginaw made me 16 minutes late for the pick up.

Never mind that I got the ready for pick up when it was already more than 5 minutes late.

After I picked it up it had a deliver by time that I beat by 5 minutes.

Gee I wonder why gig workers have to drive fast? (rhetorical)

This whole area is full of 2 lane roads, 1 lane each direction. All it takes is one asshole that is afraid to drive or can't drive and everyone behind them gets screwed over.

You can't pass them because there is either too much traffic coming the other way or it is a no passing zone.

They even turned what used to be 2 lanes in each direction into 1 lane each direction, a turn lane in the middle and bicycle lanes on both sides.

You can shove your bicycle lanes up your asses. Too many Michiganders have drunk driving charges and are not allowed to drive anymore.

Instead of putting the schools in the neighborhoods away from the main roads, they put them right on the main roads and made them 25mph.

They ran the main highway right between Michigan State University an all the restaurants and shops built for them to walk to. Also 25 mph with about 6 or 7 fucking red lights.

The middle of the area has a stupid fucking pompous shit hole called the Capitol building right in the fucking way.

Not mention a huge GM plant just south of the downtown area.

The whole fucking Frandor area is a nightmare of intersections with US127 which is basically a freeway.

The other side of town is one main drag called Saginaw. left turns out of a business onto Saginaw are a fucking nightmare because of so much traffic. It does however have a non-retarded speed limit.

(Fuck you look up the definition of retarded it means slowed down.)

If you have to go south of Saginaw you have to drive to one of the few bridges over the Grand river.

Now picture all of that with shit roads and tons of construction.

Seriously, they are still doing construction in Michigan in December.

Now add to that packing in 70,000 extra "people" associated with Michigan State University.

You computer people need to stick all that in your algorithms and then in your asses.

Your AIs are morons. They all have reasons for turning down offers or unassigning deliveries. Yet it does not matter how many times you use the same reason at the same restaurant, they will just keep sending you back.

The whole premise that they hire you on is that you can work WHERE YOU WANT TO, WHEN YOU WANT YOU.

Only one of them is correct on that. The others have programs to limit your ability to work or the amount of offers that you get if you turn down too many.

All of them put too many drivers out there so that they make money off the orders getting picked up or ordered through them. It is almost impossible to make decent money using just one of them.

This shit hole of an area just makes it worse.


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