Wednesday, December 8, 2021

I saw a Ford Focus out there this afternoon with a black front bumper that looked like the one that I used to have.

Really. if it is that one the finance guy lied to me again. He said his brother didn't have any money and lowballed me into what he paid. How did he get it fixed so fast then?

Edwin at Crippen Mazda is a scamming wienie. 

I want a federal investigation into why the car was only given a $500 trade in value and then the finance guy tried to buy it for less than it was worth.

That seems pretty unethical. 

I had every receipt from every bit of work done to that car with me when I went out there. No one asked about anything. The guy drove it around the building and then parked it. Blue book trade value is over $3000.

Where I saw the car was in Okemos where I try to work from.  

Going to be even more pissed if he is using it to get orders from where I work. 

I hate people that call you "brother" when they don't even know you. Just shoot them in the head.



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