Tuesday, December 21, 2021

On my last trip to the eye doctor, 12/7 he told me that my diabetic retinopathy was not looking good.

My blood sugar has been under control for so long that my diabetes doctor didn't need to see me for a year?

It is not my blood sugar that is causing the retinopathy.

What is causing it is the high blood pressure brought on by trying to do my job in this slow ass turd of an area.

I am a go, go, go get it done and then relax type of person that is stuck in a take your time and then watch the paint dry type of area.

Also the nazi garbage with the radiation weaponry keeping me in a constant state of anger.

It is to the point of getting small nose bleeds from just blowing my nose.

Most likely Hypertension.

I will probably end up having a heart attack or stroke.

I do not want to change. My brain does not work that slow.

My brain didn't work that slow when I smoked pot and drank alcohol neither of which I do now.


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